
2022年06月24日 16:30 市场资讯
























  TCM(Treasury Cash Management)代表所在地区当期地方国库现金管理业务余额。由于地方国库现金管理投放资金对实体经济的影响是一个逐渐传导的过程,所以TCM对信贷规模的影响具有滞后性,因而需在回归模型中引入TCM的滞后项。经综合考虑,选择两个月作为滞后期2,即n取值为2。


  为控制变量。通过分析和梳理我国地方信贷投放规模影响因素的相关文献, 本文选择以下三个因素作为控制变量:一是选用上一年度地区生产总值规模(GDP),控制区域经济差异的影响;二是选用当期制造业采购经理指数(PMI)控制企业投资行为的干扰;三是引入当月银行间市场1天质押式回购加权平均利率(R001)作为流动性的控制变量。此外,为控制宏观周期波动与季节性因素的影响,在模型中引入年度固定效应和季度固定效应,并对所有经济变量都取自然对数。




























  1. 地方国库现金管理业务数据可得性受限,部分地区样本因为缺少观测值而被剔除。本研究最终选用的23个地区为北京、河北、内蒙古、吉林、上海、江苏、安徽、福建、山东、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆,样本涵盖了东部、中部、西部地区,包括经济发达省份和欠发达省份,样本具有代表性。



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  ◇ 本文原载《债券》2022年5月刊

  ◇ 作者:中央结算公司博士后科研工作站 张梦

  中央结算公司担保品中心 王昱勋

  ◇ 责任编辑:穆贝雳 印颖 刘颖

  The Impact of Local Treasury Cash Management on Regional Economy

  Zhang Meng, Wang Yuxun


  Local treasury cash management is an important public finance management activity. Through theoretical analysis and empirical test, this paper discusses the mechanism for transmission from treasury cash management to the real economy, and analyzes the impact of treasury cash management on regional economy. The research concludes that local treasury cash management can effectively regulate the regional economy, promote regional credit supply and boost financing of the real economy. A larger-scale participation of regional commercial banks in local treasury cash management will help further unleash its role in regional economic regulation.


  Local treasury cash management, regional economy, credit supply


  Treasury cash management refers to a public finance management activity in which the government’s financial department uses financial instruments to effectively operate the treasury funds for the purpose of utilizing public funds more efficiently while meeting the treasury payment needs and safeguarding treasury funds. Treasury cash management, as a crucial policy tool that effectively combines and coordinates a proactive fiscal policy with a prudent monetary policy, plays an important role in improving the utilization efficiency of public funds, broadening the financing channels of financial institutions and reducing the market liquidity fluctuations caused by fluctuations in treasury funds.

  In 2006, the Ministry of Finance (MOF), together with the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), issued the Interim Measures for the Administration of Central Treasury Cash (C.K. [2006] No. 37), formally launching central treasury cash management. In recent years, China’s treasury management has witnessed profound reforms and the efficiency of treasury cash utilization has been increased. At the end of 2014, MOF and PBOC jointly issued the Pilot Measures for Local Treasury Cash Management (C.K. [2014] No. 183) to kick off a pilot program on local treasury cash management. According to the pilot measures, the local treasury cash placed as time deposits with banks must be backed by negotiable China Central Government Bonds as collateral. In July 2015, MOF and PBOC jointly issued the Notice on the Collateral Management for Time Deposits with Commercial Banks for Central and Local Treasury Cash Management (C.K. [2015] No. 129), allowing local government bonds to serve as eligible collateral for treasury cash management. Collateral management is an important risk control element in treasury cash management, and the key to effectively forestalling and defusing public finance risks (Zhang Ting et al., 2015).

  Since local treasury cash management was launched, it has effectively activated the idle public funds and provided significant support for macroeconomic stability and local industrial development through the bank deposit and money supply mechanism. China’s economy has entered a new normal, which places higher requirements on government funds management. The local treasury operations also show mounting internal demand for optimization.

  Based on local treasury cash management practices, this paper discusses the relationship between local treasury cash management and regional real-sector financing and clarifies where local treasury cash management should be optimized. On the one hand, this paper provides a basis for the public finance departments to further expand the use of treasury funds. On the other hand, it provides a point of reference for deepening the support for fiscal policy implementation, and helps improve the quality and efficiency of local treasury cash management.

  Literature Review

  Treasury cash is part of the liabilities on a central bank’s balance sheet. Its release and withdrawal operations are similar to those for the base money. Therefore, treasury cash management operations have a significant impact on liquidity in the banking system, and their objectives should be fully aligned with the monetary policy. Treasury cash management in China is divided between central and provincial levels. Treasury cash mainly takes the form of 3-month and 6-month time deposits with commercial banks, and has a direct impact on base money supply. On the one hand, the scale of treasury cash management operations can be taken as an important monitoring indicator of monetary policy operations, thus providing a base for coordinating treasury cash management with open market operations. On the other hand, by coordinating local treasury cash management with liquidity management in the banking system, the impact of local treasury cash management operations on liquidity in the banking system can be mitigated. Due to the late introduction of local treasury cash management in China and the limited data that are publicly available, there are limited researches on local treasury cash management. The literatures are mainly divided into the following two categories.

  The first category focuses on analysis of the aggregate changes in treasury funds. Such researches, based on changes in PBOC’s balance sheet, discuss the impact of changes in treasury funds on money supply. Chen Jianqi and Zhang Yuan (2010) pointed out that the treasury cash placements with commercial banks increase the share of time deposits in balance sheet of commercial banks, thus influencing the commercial banks’ reserve level and credit capacity. In addition, the increase in treasury cash will drive up interest rate and translate into the money supply level fluctuations through the credit transmission mechanism. Based on PBOC’s balance sheet structure, Zhang Xiaobin (2016) created a framework for analyzing the impact of treasury inventory changes on money supply movements at three levels, namely, base money, narrow money and broad money. Li Yanjun (2017) analyzed the differences among RMB counterparts of forex reserves, treasury cash management and the existing monetary policy instruments in the process of money supply, proposing treasury cash management as an effective substitute for liquidity supply. Fu Yingjun and Li Lili (2017) found that the influence of treasury cash management on money supply in China is relatively small at present, but with local treasury cash management launched, treasury cash management will have a more and more significant effect on money supply. Research by Li Junsheng et al. (2020) shows that government revenue and expenditure activities and treasury cash management activities have had a strong and increasing influence on the market currency circulation system.

  The other category mainly discusses the regional characteristics of local treasury cash management based on practical experience. Hou Shenghong et al. (2018) concluded through theoretical analysis that there are differences in the impact of local treasury cash management on regional corporate banks and unincorporated banking branches, and predicted that the number of corporate banks in a region will affect the impact of local treasury cash management operations on regional macro-liquidity. Wang Shende (2019) studied the data on treasury and financial enterprises in Henan Province. He found that the net outflow of treasury funds has a significant impact on commercial bank deposits, and this process is affected by the credit expansion in the banking system, with a certain lag. In addition, some papers proposed optimizations based on the local treasury cash management practices. Such proposals focused on the allocation of treasury funds. Fu Qiang (2014) stressed that local treasury cash management should take safety and liquidity as the primary objectives and build a scientific evaluation system for investable objects and scope.

  By summarizing the existing literature, we can find that the researches on local treasury cash management are limited and with some gaps to fill. Firstly, the research from an aggregate point of view can accurately grab the relationship between treasury cash management and monetary policy, but lacks the analysis on the complementary role of treasury cash management in regional economic development. Secondly, the inductive research from a practical point of view can acutely identify the regional characteristics of local treasury cash management, but there is a limited sample size for observation and thus the conclusion shows certain limitations. It is urgent to improve the current bidding evaluation system of local treasury cash management through practice. Therefore, based on the nationwide data on local treasury cash management in recent years, this paper analyzes the impact of local treasury cash management on the regional economy from a micro perspective, emphasizes the complementary role of local treasury cash management business to monetary policy and discusses the efficiency of regulating the regional economy through local treasury cash management. Thus, in response to the urgent needs in practice, this paper provides a reference for improving the bidding evaluation system for treasury funds.

  Analysis on the Path of Local Treasury Cash Management Influencing the Real Economy

  The transmission of money supply to the real economy is mainly routed through two channels: inter-bank market and credit channel. The former mainly relies on transactions in the inter-bank market so that money supply is transferred from large banks to small and medium-sized banks, which in turn grant credit to borrowers. The latter mainly relies on asset and liability management of commercial banks, which directly create credit through internal allocation of acquired base money to their credit departments. Taking the Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) operations as an example, when PBOC releases liquidity to participating banks through the MLF, participating banks can transfer liquidity to other banks through inter-bank market lending and repurchase and purchase of inter-bank liabilities on the one hand, to support credit expansion in the larger banking system. On the other hand, participating banks can use acquired liquidity to replenish their required reserves and directly create credit, thus enabling monetary policy transmission to the real economy.

  In the practice of local treasury cash management, funds are transferred from the treasury account of the central bank to the reserve accounts of commercial banks, which is equivalent to the central bank’s base money supply. As a result, commercial bank deposits will increase. In essence, the process drives fund flows from the central bank to commercial banks, influencing the real economy in a way similar to monetary policy operations. The participants in local treasury cash management are local branches of national banks, local city commercial banks (“CCBs”), rural commercial banks (“RCBs”) and rural credit cooperatives. The transmission path is mainly direct credit creation. On the one hand, the branches of national banks cannot directly participate in inter-bank market transactions. On the other hand, regional CCBs and RCBs have limited participation in the inter-bank market. Therefore, the liquidity flowing into participating banks from local treasury cash management has limited capacity of spreading through the inter-bank market; instead, it is mainly used to replenish banks’ required reserves to create credit.

  Meanwhile, as the participants in local treasury cash management include many regional commercial banks, the credit derived from local treasury cash management funds shows the characteristics of regional concentration. The local treasury cash management releases funds of the same order of magnitude as MLF operations, each amounting to around several hundred billion RMB per month. The counterparties to MLF operations are mainly national commercial banks, so the impact of liquidity supply is nationwide, showing an significant spillover effect. The counterparties to local treasury cash management are mostly regional commercial banks, and credit creation is concentrated in local areas. Therefore, the impact of liquidity released in local treasury cash management is mainly regional. The two have different focal points.

  Based on the above analysis, the following two assumptions are introduced:

  Assumption I: The funds released from local treasury cash management, by replenishing commercial bank’s required reserves, help expand commercial banks’ balance sheets and increase credit supply, thus influencing the size of real-sector financing.

  Assumption II: The participants in local treasury cash management include many regional commercial banks, so its impact on the real economy presents significant region-specific characteristics.

  An Empirical Test on the Impact of Local Treasury Cash Management on Regional Credit Scale

  i. Research design and sample selection

  The above section has theoretically analyzed the transmission mechanism from local treasury cash management to the real economy, but the analysis is still to be supported by data. Therefore, this section relies on publicly available data to empirically test the transmission path of local treasury cash management as mentioned above, and further discusses the impact of local treasury cash management on the regional real economy.

  Assumption I emphasizes the influence of local treasury cash management on regional credit, so the explained variable of the empirical model is regional credit scale, and the key explanatory variable is the balance of treasury cash management. This research collected and collated the data on balance of local treasury cash management from January 2019 to December 2021 from public sources, covering 23 regional entities1, with a total of 36 periods of samples. The data has a panel structure, so the panel regression model is used. The empirical equation is designed as follows:

  In the above formula, Credit is the credit scale of the current period in the region, expressed as the RMB loan balance of the current month in the region.

  TCM, which stands for treasury cash management, represents the current balance of local treasury cash management in the region. As the impact of liquidity released from local treasury cash management on the real economy is a gradual transmission process, the impact of TCM on the credit scale is lagging. Therefore, the lag term of TCM is introduced into the regression model. After comprehensive consideration, two months are selected as the lag period2, i.e. the value of n is 2.

  MLF represents the balance of medium-term lending facility in the current period and is also analyzed using a two-order lag. On the one hand, it is to control the impact of macro-monetary policy. On the other hand, it is to compare treasury cash management with the impact of monetary policy on regional credit growth.

  Controls represent control variables. By analyzing and reviewing the relevant literature on factors influencing the size of local credit supply in China, this paper selects the following three factors as control variables: First, the regional GDP in the previous year is selected to control the impact of regional economic differences. Second, the manufacturing PMI for the current period is selected to control the interference of corporate investment activity. Third, the weighted average interest rate of interbank pledged repo market (R001) in the current month is introduced as the control variable for liquidity. In addition, in order to control the impact of macro-cyclical fluctuations and seasonal factors, annual fixed effects and quarterly fixed effects are introduced into the model, and a natural logarithm is calculated for all economic variables.

  In terms of data sources, the relevant data on local treasury cash management such as TCM are calculated from the governmental deposit data of regional financial institutions published on PBOC’s website. Other economic indicators and financial market indicators such as credit size, GDP, PMI, MLF, R001 are collected from Wind.

  Descriptive statistics for each variable are shown in Table 1. As shown by Table 1: The overall scale of local treasury cash management is considerable, with an average balance of around RMB150 billion per region. The average and maximum values of local treasury cash management are quite different, with the distribution somewhat skewed. Taking natural logarithm alleviates this problem to a certain extent.

  ii. Empirical results

  The empirical results of regression are shown in Table 2. Among them, regression I contains only one explanatory variable, i.e. balance of treasury cash management. In the regression results, the coefficients of all levels of treasury cash management scale are positive, and all are significant at the test level of 1%, indicating that local treasury cash management has a significant positive impact on regional credit investment. The second-order lag coefficient is significantly positive, indicating that the positive effect lasts for more than two months. The coefficients of lag variables for each order are significantly greater than those of the first period, pointing to increasing influence of treasury cash management on regional credit.

  For comparison, MLF balance is introduced into regression II. From the empirical results of regression II, it can be seen that the impact of local treasury cash management scale on regional credit supply is still significant at the test level of 1% after the MLF balance variable is introduced, which further indicates that treasury cash management has a positive impact on regional credit, and that the MLF has more directly promoted the credit expansion of in the larger banking system. Meanwhile, treasury cash management shows a significant transmission to regional economy, suggesting that local treasury cash management and monetary policy operations are not simplified substitutes for each other; instead, they supplement each other in various dimensions.

  As a control variable, the regression coefficient of regional GDP scale to regional credit scale is significantly positive, indicating that this variable can effectively identify the regional differences in economic development level. The coefficients of both PMI and R001 are insignificant, showing a relatively weak explanatory power of macroeconomic indicators for regional economic activity. In the above two sets of regression analysis, the adjusted R statistic is above 0.95, suggesting that the model settings are accurate and can effectively capture the changes in regional credit scale.

  From the above empirical results, it can be found that treasury cash management has a significant positive impact on regional credit regardless of whether the MLF scale variable is added. As the participants in local treasury cash management are mainly regional financial institutions, the released funds can be effectively injected into the regional economic activities, thereby significantly influencing the regional real economy and expanding the regional credit scale.

  Analysis of the Influence of Regional Commercial Banks’ Participation Level on Local Treasury Cash Management

  The direct injection of liquidity from treasury cash management into the regional economy, as mentioned above, is enabled by a large number of regional commercial banks (e.g. local CCBs and RCBs) that participate in the business. The participation level of these institutions will inevitably influence the efficiency of transmission from local treasury cash management to regional economy. The following section is an empirical test from this perspective to verify the impact of various participation levels of regional banks on the transmission efficiency of local treasury funds, and explore how to fully promote real economy financing by using the transmission mechanism of local treasury cash management.

  The participation level of regional commercial banks in the local treasury cash management can be measured by the scale of their participation. As it is difficult to directly acquire information on individual banks’ participation in each local treasury cash management operation, and the regional commercial banks are almost all small and medium-sized banks, this paper uses the share of government deposits with small and medium-sized banks in total government deposits published by PBOC as the proxy variable, and records it as the participation level of small and medium-sized banks (LocBank_Share). As shown by Table 1, the participation level of small and medium-sized banks in the local treasury cash management is only about 8.15%, representing a relatively small share.

  For the influence of the participation level of regional commercial banks on the transmission efficiency of local treasury cash management, this paper uses a cross-variable approach to test, that is, on the basis of model (1), the cross variable (TCM×LocBank_Share) of regional commercial banks’ participation level indicator (LocBank_Share) and local treasury cash management scale indicator (TCM) is introduced. The model design is as follows:

  The empirical results are shown in Table 3. As can be seen from Table 3, the lag first-order and lag second-order coefficients of cross variable are both positive and significant at the 5% test level. This indicates that in the local treasury cash management operations, the more funds placed with regional commercial banks, the larger the regional credit scale will increase in the next 1 to 2 months. With the order of lag increasing, the cross-variable coefficient gradually increases, pointing to a gradually stronger influence of local treasury cash management on regional credit. At the same time, the coefficient of local treasury cash management scale (TCM) is not significant, indicating that the placements with national commercial banks have an insignificant impact on regional real economy.

  The empirical results in Table 3 show that in the local treasury cash management, the higher the participation level of regional commercial banks, the stronger boost to the regional credit scale. And such positive impact will gradually increase over time. From the analysis on the participation level of regional commercial banks (CCBs, RCBs, etc.) in local treasury cash management, the following two conclusions can be drawn:

  First, the participation level of regional commercial banks is one of the key factors that influence the boost from local treasury cash management to the funding of regional economy.

  Second, enhancing the participation level of regional commercial banks in local treasury cash management, such as increasing the number or value of winning bids from such institutions, plays a significant positive role in boosting local treasury cash management’s ability to fund the real economy.

  Summary and Policy Recommendations

  i. Conclusions

  Based on the theory of money and credit, this paper analyzes the influence channel between local treasury cash management and funding of regional real economy, and draws the following two conclusions through a data-based empirical test:

  First, local treasury cash management can effectively channel funds into regional economic activities by releasing liquidity to designated financial institutions, and have a significant impact on the boost to regional credit scale.

  Second, regional commercial banks have played an important role in helping local treasury cash management boost the funding of the real economy. Enhancing the participation level of regional commercial banks in local treasury cash management can significantly boost local treasury cash management’s ability to fund the real economy. Therefore, an increased participation of regional commercial banks in local treasury cash management helps further unleash its role in regional economic regulation, highlights its unique advantage in macro control and provides an approach to optimizing the bidding mechanism for local treasury cash management.

  ii. Policy recommendations

  Based on the above conclusions, the following three policy recommendations are given:

  First, attach importance to the role of local treasury cash management in regulating the regional economy, and expand the scope of local treasury cash management in a steady and orderly manner. With the government surplus on the rise, there is also a need to regulate the treasury funds at the city and county levels. Therefore, based on the experience in provincial-level treasury cash management, the sub-provincial local treasury cash management can be promoted at appropriate time. Through piloting and scale-up, local treasury cash management can be applied more and more broadly to further play its role in regulating the regional economy.

  Second, optimize the bidding mechanism for local treasury cash management and enhance the participation level of regional commercial banks. Considering the importance of regional commercial banks in unleashing the policy regulation role of local treasury cash management, regional commercial banks can be distinguished from national banks in the bidding process for local treasury cash management to appropriately expand the participation of regional commercial banks. In the construction of evaluation metrics, the indictors of financial institutions supporting local economic development can be added. On the premise of ensuring the safety of funds, policy regulation factors should be added as appropriate to further tap the potential of local treasury cash management.

  Third, strengthen the collateral management and maximize the role of the collateral mechanism. The involvement of more small and medium-sized institutions in local treasury cash management is bound to have an impact on the safety of treasury funds. Therefore, it is necessary to fully harness the collateral risk mitigation mechanism. Specifically: (1) the scope of qualified collateral should be expanded to include high-quality bonds such as policy financial bonds, so as to improve the ability to tackle risks; (2) a default handling mechanism should be introduced to highlight the role of collateral as a safety net for small and medium-sized financial institutions to safeguard treasury funds; and (3) the ongoing collateral management features should be enriched, so that such services as mark-to-market pricing, day-to-day mark-to-market and automatic replacement at maturity will be used to ensure that the treasury exposure is always covered in full and keep risks under control at all times.


  1.Due to limited availability of local treasury cash management business data, some regions lacking observation values were removed from samples. The 23 regions finally selected in this study are Beijing, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia and Xinjiang. The samples cover the eastern, central and western parts of China, including economically developed and underdeveloped provinces.

  2.This paper attempts to introduce more term lag terms, but the coefficient is less significant. Due to space limitations, such attempts are not shown here.


  [1] Chen Jianqi, Zhang Yuan. The Impact of Treasury Cash Deposits with Commercial Banks on Money Supply Policy - Based on the Extended Analysis on Commercial Banks’ Asset-Liability Framework [J]. Journal of Financial Research, 2010(7).

  [2] Fu Qiang. International Good Practices in Local Treasury Cash Management [J]. South China Finance, 2014(11).

  [3] Fu Yingjun, Li Lili. An Empirical Test of the Impact of Treasury Cash Management on Money Supply and Interest Rate [J]. Statistics & Decision, 2017(6).

  [4] Hou Shenghong, Xu Gang, Ma Yushan, Kang Haijie, Liu Songtao. Research on Coordination between Local Treasury Cash Management and Regional Bank Liquidity Management [J]. North China Finance, 2018(9).

  [5] Li Junsheng, Yao Dongmin, Li Haoyang. Monetary Effects of Public Finance - Public Finance under the Neo-public Finance Framework - “Dual Role” Monetary Regulation Mechanism of Central Bank [J]. Management World, 2020, 36(6).

  [6] Li Yanjun. Treasury Cash Management: China’s Current Alternative Channel of Liquidity Supply [J]. Public Finance Research Journal, 2017(3).

  [7]  Wang Shende. Research on the Impact of Treasury Funds on Regional Bank Liquidity [J]. Financial Theory & Practice, 2019(8).

  [8] Zhang Ting, Lu Shangfeng, Wang Peng, Li Yida. Research on Treasury Cash Management Operations and Collateral Management [J]. Bonds, 2015(8).

  [9] Zhang Xiaobin. Impact of Changes in Treasury Inventories on Money Supply - an Analytical Framework Based on the Central Bank’s Balance Sheet Structure [J]. Shanghai Finance, 2016(6).

  This article was first published on Bond Monthly (May. 2022). Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.

  ◇ Author from: CCDC Postdoctoral Research Center

  CCDC Collateral Center

  ◇ Editors in charge: Mu Beili, Yin Ying, Liu Ying



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