
2006年9月15日全球金融市场周报 美国

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月20日 16:46 上投摩根

  United States 美国

  Wall Street ended a holiday-shortened week lower as interest rate concerns returned to upset investor confidence. The Dow Jones was 0.6% lower while the technology-biased NASDAQ fell1.3%. Interest rates concerns were reignited by news that US labour costs had grown much more sharply than expected in the second quarter, with higher wages contributing to 4.9% rise in unit labour costs between April and June. Investors had hoped that interest rates had peaked given the weaker economic news flow of recent weeks. In fact, some investors had already begun to look forward to possible rate cuts as early as the New Year. But evidence of a pick up in wage inflation raised the unsettling prospect that the Federal Reserve may still have to raise interest rates further after all in order to stem inflationary pressures.

  With economic growth clearly slowing, investors are worried that any further rate rises may tip the economy into recession and seriously constrain corporate profitability. Corporate news was fairly quiet. Apple Computer rose on speculation that it was about to launch a new iPod, perhaps with the facility to play feature films downloaded through its iTunes software. However, Intel struggled as its announcement of job cuts and a restructuring plan to boost future profits failed to go as far as many investors had hoped.



苹果计算机(Apple Computer)快将推出新型号iPod,或可播放以其iTunes软件下载的影片,刺激股价上扬。不过,英特尔(Intel)宣布裁员及计划重组以提升未来溢利,但规模逊于投资者预期,以致未能刺激股价。

(以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)

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