
2006年9月1日全球金融市场周报 日本

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月05日 14:20 上投摩根

  Japan 日本

  The TOPIX fell 1.3% and Nikkei fell 1.0% as investors took profits on blue chips after the market hit a three-month high earlier last week. Technology stocks fared poorly, prompted by weakness in the US, a downgrade to Sony and news that the electronics bellwether had to recall millions of laptop batteries. Product recalls also hit the autos sector as Toyota announced that it would be delaying its latest product launch due to quality issues and a stream of product withdrawals. On the new, 2005-based consumption basket, nationwide core consumer prices, which exclude fresh food, was much weaker than expected, up only 0.2% YoY in July. The downside surprise comes from the magnitude of the pull down by the base year change, which proved 0.4% point compared to the expected 0.2-0.3%. In addition, the monthly change in prices was pulled down by a substantial decline in apparel prices during the summer sales season, despite the push up by the tax hike in tobacco prices. In the old basis, July core CPI inflation remained at the same level of 0.6% in June.

  METI's all-sector activity index edged up 0.1% MoM in June after the revised 0.1% MoM drop (from -0.2%) in May. As already known, the weakness in tertiary sector activity was totally offset by the strong manufacturing output, which is the opposite pattern from the previous month. Construction activity declined 1.4% MoM after the 0.2% decline in May, giving a slight drag to overall activity. The BoJ's real trade index, which is defined as quality-adjusted, rose to 207.3 in July from June's 188.5, topping the historical high level of 198.7 recorded in May. This was caused by the combination of pick up in real exports (the current index level is 2.2% higher than 2Q average) and decline in real imports (the current index level is 2.0% lower than 2Q average) Based on strong domestic demand and low inventories, we see industrial production will remain solid in coming months, and reacceleration in real exports, which is consistent with the surge in July PMI export orders and still-solid foreign machinery orders, could reinforce it. However, it will take several months to confirm that the acceleration in July reflects the underlying trend in real exports.




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