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Set up a new company for a yen?

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月25日 10:06 新浪财经


    9个月前,日本政府将1日元开公司成为可能。在日本,1日元 只够买根口香糖。

Nine months ago the Japanese government made it possible to set up a new company with just one yen - the price of a stick of chewing gum.


A lack of business innovation has long been recognised as one of the structural weaknesses behind the lacklustre economic performance of one of the world's most expensive countries.

    在全球创业观察(Global Entrepreneurship Monitor,简称 GEM)对37个国家的创业和经济发展所做的研究报告中,日本排名垫底。

Research by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a 37-country study of start-up business activity and economic growth, put Japan at the bottom of the league.


Just 2 per cent of the population were involved in starting a new business or owning a business less than 42 months old. In China the figure was 12 per cent, in Korea 14 per cent and in Thailand 18 per cent.


Hence the one-yen initiative, which is part of a drive to foster entrepreneurial activity under which the Japanese government has committed itself to doubling the number of enterprises established each year to 360,000 by 2006.


However, since February only 268 applications have been received under the new rules and just 178 one-yen companies have actually been set up.


While new business formation has risen by 8 per cent year-on-year in 2003 after two years of decline, according to the Ministry of Justice, which monitors legal incorporations, it is still well below the levels previously seen in Japan and still stands significantly below international averages.


Instead, the country remains trapped in the worst of all possible worlds - not only does it not have very many entrepreneurs in the first place, but those few it does possess are being stunted by a lack of financing channels and a cultural aversion to risk-taking.


Part of the reason for this state of affairs is that attitudes towards entrepreneurs in Japan seem to differ from the rest of the world.


When, for example, a sample of US citizens was asked if entrepreneurs were socially valuable, 91 per cent said yes. Just 8 per cent of Japanese respondents agreed with them.


Figures from the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications reflect this trend. Over the last 20 years the number of would-be entrepeneurs in Japan has been over 1m annually, but the number of actual start-ups has declined from an average of 66 per cent to 31 per cent over the same period.


The numbers tell a depressing story. Despite the government's moves to foster young companies, the country's efforts to create an environment that encourages new businesses are being outpaced by its Asian regional rivals.


Japan's apparent lack of capitalist endeavour also has much to do with the lack of a mature financing market.

    日本经济产业省提供的一组数据最为生动地说明了这个问题。美国大约有40万名“天使”投资人准备为新公司提供资金,而日本只有1500人。美国风险企业中心(US Venture Enterprise Centre) 的数据显示,2001年,日本股 票形式的风险资本投资约为1.02万亿日元(合93.4亿美元),比美国少30倍。

The most dramatic illustration of this is the fact that there are around 400,000 "angel" investors prepared to finance start-up companies in the US compared to just 1,500 in Japan, according to the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Investment. Venture capital investment in Japan in 2001 on a stock basis was around Y1,020bn (.34bn) - 30 times less than in the US - according to the US Venture Enterprise Centre.


An economy ministry survey of creative entrepreneurial activity revealed that 62 per cent of enterprises said raising funds was the main challenge when trying to start up a business, and 80 per cent were forced to use their own capital.

    在日本,创办公司的成本也比较高。一家支持中小企业的政府机构—国民生活公库(National Life Finance Corporation) 对新公司所做的调查显示,在美国,创业资 金等于或低于2万美元的新公司占58%,而日本只有25%的新公司以低于4.5日元的资金起家。同时,据日本银行称,自1994年以来,在各大银行,区域性银行,信用社和政府金融机构中,金融机构对中小企业发放的贷款有所下降。这主要是因为中小企业存在不良贷款问题。

Start-up costs are also high. A survey of new companies by the National Life Finance Corporation - a government agency which supports small and medium-sized businesses - revealed that 58 per cent of start-ups in the US used ,000 or less, while in Japan only 25 per cent started with less than Y45,000. At the same time, according to the Bank of Japan, lending by financial institutions to small and medium enterprises has been falling since 1994 at large banks, regional banks, credit associations and government financial institutions, mainly as a result of their non-performing loan problems.


In response, the government has taken action to try and fill the gap created by the financial institutions, but the numbers are small.

    成立于2000年的日本小企业金融公司(The Japan Finance Corporation for Small Business),目前已提供了总额高达 3亿美元的802项贷款。日本商工中金银行(Shoko Chukin Bank) 也为310家新公司提供了总计2800万美元的无抵 押贷款。

The Japan Finance Corporation for Small Business - which was established in 2000 - has provided 802 loans which amount to m, and the Shoko Chukin bank has offered zero collateral loans to 310 start-ups totalling m.


The Japanese government has recognised that the country's lack of entrepreneurial activity is a significant problem and has taken action to try and solve it.

    但正如伟大的英国经济学家约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)所说的那样:“发展新观念并不太困难 ,难的是如何摆脱旧观念。”

But as the great British economist John Maynard Keynes put it: "The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." xref Japanese exports up,





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