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FutureBrand 全球CEO Jean-Louis2月来京

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月08日 17:55 新浪财经



FutureBrand 全球CEO Jean-Louis 资料图

  FutureBrand 全球CEO Jean-Louis预定于今年2月初到访亚太区并在2月8日-9日来北京;Jean-Louis是全球著名的品牌专家,在与全球500强的顶级客户合作中积累了深厚的品牌实战经验,他的这次到访将会是一个与业界交流合作的良好机会。Jean-Louis先生本次到访可能谈及的议题包括:


  * 内容可能涉及FutureBrand 的基本背景及专业服务、代表性项目及客户、FutureBrand与其他主要品牌公司的区别等。

  * 媒体可以考虑以“品牌咨询和建设领域的最新国际动态”为方向进行议题延伸。


  * 内容可能涉及国际品牌的全球化运作经验、国际品牌的本土化经验、区域品牌打造的意义及途径等。

  * 媒体可以考虑以“后WTO时代中国企业如何着手规划和建设自己的品牌”为方向进行议题延伸,以供新闻题材或专题文章的发挥。


  * 内容可能涉及国家品牌排名、新加坡/澳大利亚国家品牌的经验、奥运与中国国家品牌建设等。

  * 媒体可以考虑以“如何整合社会经济文化以提升国家品牌的



  Jean-Louis Dumeu

  主席, 首席执行官

  FutureBrand 全球


  在加入IPG(Interpublic,FutureBrand的母公司)之前,Jean-Louis在朗涛(Landor Associates)工作达15年,离开前的职位是欧洲、中东和亚洲的主席,同时也是全球执行委员会的成员。在此之前,他的职位是欧洲和中东的总裁,领导者250人的团队,分布于伦敦、巴黎、

汉堡、米兰、马德里、日内瓦和迪拜等办公室,并在该区域(20多个国家)拓展客户网络,在品牌行业的困难时期推动着业务不断增长。在这之前,他管理着巴黎的团队并使之成为法国市场的领导者,曾两次获得年度最佳设计代理商荣誉、两次赢得Grand Prix国际汽车大奖赛的设计。



  Jean-Louis在L’École du Marketing et de la Publicité学院获得了广告学位。他能够说流利的法语、英语和意大利语。



    Jean-Louis Dumeu

  Chairman, Chief Executive Officer

  FutureBrand Worldwide

  Responsible for the performance of FutureBrand, one of the leading global Branding and Design consulting companies, Jean-Louis has been successfully managing the turnaround of the youngest network in this industry since March 2004. With 21 offices and 400 people around the world, FutureBrand is the proud partner of companies such as Intel, MasterCard, Nokia, Nestlé, Unilever, Barilla, P&G, InBev, Cadbury, etc.

  Before joining IPG (Interpublic is the parent company of FutureBrand), Jean-Louis spent 15 years at Landor Associates with his last position acting as Chairman for Europe, Middle East and Asia, and member of the Executive Committee Worldwide. Prior to this, he was President for Europe and the Middle East, leading a group of 250 people with offices in London, Paris, Hamburg, Milan, Madrid, Geneva and Dubai, developing client relationship across the region (over 20 countries), and growing the business during a difficult time for the branding industry. In his precedent position, he led the Paris operation to a leading role on the French market, being twice awarded Best Design Agency of the Year and twice won the Grand Prix Design Strategiés.

  Before joining Landor, Jean-Louis gained 15 years of experience in the advertising sector while working with Group Havas: first in Paris as Account Executive to Group Clients Director, subsequently in Italy as the leader of the Italian operation for 5 years, and finally in Switzerland as Managing Director for 2 years.

  Jean-Louis received a degree in Advertising from L’École du Marketing et de la Publicité. He is fluent in French, English and Italian.

  You may see him trekking in the Alps, exploring the Sahara, or fly fishing along a river or lake while traveling in remote countries.

  February 2007

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