
2018年10月11日 18:53 新浪财经-自媒体综合




  封面图 | 王石获颁“亚洲创变者”奖  封面图 | 王石获颁“亚洲创变者”奖






  另一个深深影响我的,是2010年我第二次登上珠峰的时候。我在大本营看到了一些冰川和雪山的极限照片,这些照片是大卫•布理谢斯(David Breashears)拍摄的。这是他第一次在世界的边缘举办的《冰和煤》展览。我曾攀登过两次珠穆朗玛峰,每次最多只在山上待两个月。但David在珠穆朗玛峰呆了更长的时间。他拍摄了大量的照片和电影来提高人们对气候变化的认识,呼吁人类保护自然的河流冰川及一切生命物种。对我来说,大卫是一个榜样,这一直提醒我对地球的责任,激励我在未来继续承担我的责任。



  Good evening, my friends!

  It is my great pleasure to join this special gala with so many good friends. This is the fifth year of the Asian Game Changer Award. The previous Chinese awardees, including Jack Ma, I.M. Pei, Zhang Yimou, are respectful and inspiring leaders to me. The stories of other awardees tonight showed incredible heroisms fighting for lives and equality with courage and determination. It is a big honor for me to join them in receiving this award tonight.

  For the past 16 years, outdoor adventures have kept inspiring me about our responsibility for the environment. The first inspiring moment was when I reached the summit of the Kilimanjaro in 2002. I saw no sign of snow at the peak, in contrast to what Hemingway described in the book of Snows of Kilimanjaro. The sight of disappearing snow mountains reminded me of the urgent environmental reality.

  Another moment was when I climbed Mount Everst for the second time in 2010. I saw some amazing photos of glaciers and snow mountains displayed at the base camp. These photos were shot by David Breashears. And it was the first Coal and Ice exhibition he put together far out on the edge of the world. I climbed Mount Everest twice and each time I only stayed in the mountains for two months max. But David stayed with Mount Everest for much more time. He shot powerful photos and films to raise awareness about climate change. To me, David is a role model that reminds me of my duty for the planet and motivates me to carry on with my duties in the future.

  I always have many people to thank at occasions like this. But my time is limited so I will just mention a few in presence here. First again, I would like to thank Asia Society for giving me this incredible honor. Thank you my friend Ronnie Chan for sending a warm invitation that brought me here. Also my thanks to some amazing friends, Susan and David Rockefeller and Shahab, for always keeping me good company with support and friendship.

  Thank you!







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