
2025年03月23日 22:59 CGTN

Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Nii Quaye-Kumah is the representative to China of the International Fund for Agricultural Development and head of the Regional South-South and Triangular Cooperation Center for Asia and the Pacific. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

编者按:决策者是一个全球平台,供决策者分享他们对影响当今世界之事件的见解。倪华(Nii Quaye-Kumah)是国际农业发展基金(IFAD)驻华代表,同时也是亚太区域南南合作与三方合作中心负责人。文章仅代表作者的观点,而非本台观点。

There is an adage – "water is life." That is indeed true considering that about 60 percent of the adult human being’s body is made up of water and about 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water. Access to water is a human right. Would you believe that some 2.2 billion people live without safely managed drinking water services with devastating impacts on their lives and wider society? So, as the world grapples with the growing threat of water insecurity, it is obvious that all regions are impacted – none are spared. Water resources are increasingly being stretched due to the impact of climate change as evidenced in erratic rainfall patterns and rising sea levels. The impact on every sector of society is jarring.


In agriculture, where water is both a lifeline and a fragile resource, the situation has assumed an alarming dimension. According to the Netherlands-based Wageningen University and Research, a global leader in agriculture education and research, the glaciers of the Himalayas and Alps are melting, and this will have consequences for agriculture in the future. It goes on to cite that one third of all rice is grown around the Himalayas, and countries depend on meltwater to grow this water-consuming crop. Europe is also feeling the impact as it has started to notice the effects of reduced snowfall and melting glaciers in the Alps. One of the challenges posed to agriculture is the fast rate of melting of these glaciers and the alteration in the balance of the quantity of water released. With about 70 percent of the earth’s fresh water existing in the form of snow or ice, preserving glaciers to slow down the melting rate and thus preserve more water from these sources over a longer period has become critical for all stakeholders.   


The preservation of global glaciers, and indeed other water sources starts with countries. Therefore, on this occasion as the world observes World Water Day, I want to highlight the critical role of sustainable water management and the role of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in supporting rural communities to ensure water security, food security, and climate resilience in China.



China Water Week, March 22 to 28, is observed with a host of promotional activities to highlight the commemoration of World Water Day. This year's theme for China Water Week, "Promoting High-quality Development in the Water Sector for National Water Security" could not be more timely. This is against the background that globally, 72 percent of the population lives in water-insecure regions, and 8 percent of the world's population faces critical water shortages. This is important because in a country where agricultural production is tied closely to water availability, securing reliable and sustainable water resources is vital for both rural livelihoods and national food security. 


National statistics show that though China has the sixth-largest water resources globally, its per capita water availability is only 35 percent of the global average with nearly two-thirds of its cities experiencing water shortages.  This imbalance is further exacerbated by agricultural consumption taking up about 60 percent of total national consumption. Yet, agriculture remains one of the most vulnerable sectors to water insecurity. The vulnerability of the sector to water insecurity is amply demonstrated by the fact that the majority of smallholder farmers rely on rainfall for their crops, making them particularly susceptible to shifting precipitation patterns and indeed water from other sources such as glaciers. Glaciers in particular are known to provide a more stable water supply that sustain river flows. Their loss thus threatens crucial agricultural water supplies. 


Recognizing these challenges, China has intensified policy efforts to enhance water conservation and improve water-use efficiency. The National Water-Saving Action Plan (2019) aims to limit total water consumption to 700 billion cubic meters by 2035. 


IFAD's work in China aligns well with such a vision by integrating sustainable agricultural practices and building rural climate resilience. To mitigate the impacts of both floods and droughts, IFAD is investing in climate-proofed infrastructure that strengthens rural resilience. In central China's Hunan Province, IFAD has supported the construction of irrigation facilities, including canals, water pipelines, ponds, pumping stations, and water source facilities, along with retaining dams and drainage ditches. These investments support the government's efforts to regulate water resources, mitigate flood risks, ensure reliable irrigation supplies, and maintain river ecosystems. By integrating such infrastructure with sustainable agricultural practices, IFAD is ensuring rural communities are better equipped to face climate extremes.


Beyond infrastructure, IFAD is also promoting smart and sustainable irrigation systems to enhance agricultural productivity – particularly for small-scale farmers who form the backbone of China's rural economy. A shift in focus from large-scale to small-scale, well-planned irrigation schemes offers cost-effective and efficient solutions. For instance, in Suijiang County, southwest China's Yunnan Province, IFAD has supported a young entrepreneur in renovating nine reservoirs and developing a smart irrigation system. These reservoirs have created a drip irrigation network that connects to each fruit tree. Additionally, the intelligent water-fertilizer integration system precisely irrigates and nourishes a 600-mu (about 40 hectares) orchard with a simple stroke on a smartphone. Drip and precision irrigation technologies like this ensure minimal water wastage while maximizing efficiency.


The lessons and innovations from the implementation of these projects have become sources of knowledge exchange, especially with other Global South countries. For example, in Rwanda where the severity of droughts impacts rural households, IFAD is funding a project that has introduced downsized, affordable, and easy-to-use solar-powered irrigation systems to combat water scarcity. The project has a technology transfer and capacity building component in which Chinese agricultural machinery companies train local youths to assemble, maintain, and service the irrigation equipment, creating jobs and fostering self-sufficiency. The impact has been swift, as farmers who adopted this technology have reported a three-fold increase in yield, and their success has inspired knowledge-sharing initiatives with counterparts in Kenya.

这类项目的实践经验和创新成果,也在不断向全球南方国家推广。例如,在经常遭遇干旱的非洲卢旺达,农发基金正在资助一项灌溉项目,通过引入体积小、价格亲民、操作简便的太阳能(4.560, -0.07, -1.51%)灌溉设备,帮助当地农户缓解水资源短缺问题。该项目还特别设有技术转移和能力建设模块,邀请中国农业机械企业为当地青年提供设备组装、维修和维护培训,既带动了就业,也提升了当地的自我发展能力。这项技术推广收效显著。采用该系统的农户普遍反映,产量提升了三倍,农民尝到了“科技种田”的甜头。如今,这一成功经验已推广至肯尼亚等其他非洲国家,推动更多知识交流与合作。

By investing in a green and efficient water infrastructure, sustainable technologies, and climate-smart practices, IFAD supports efforts to preserve key water sources such as glaciers. As we observe World Water Day 2025 and the 38th China Water Week, we are reminded that water security is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity for the survival and prosperity of rural communities, agriculture, and economies alike. By working together and investing in sustainable, climate-resilient water management practices, we can ensure that good quality water continues to flow freely and sustainably for future generations. 


冰川 中国 决策者


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