
2024年09月25日 11:27 市场资讯








德勤高级合伙人兼首席执行官Richard Houston在评论这项政策时说:“我为我们今天宣布的这些变化感到自豪——它们既体现了我们在人们生命中最重要时刻对他们关心的重要性,也表明了我们对平等的进一步承诺。”

德勤管理合伙人Jackie Henry表示:“我们知道,为所有父母平等化带薪育儿假是在改善性别平等以及从为人父母的早期阶段给予家庭共同承担责任的机会方面的一个重要步骤。”



New equal family leave policy means all parents will be eligible for 26 weeks’ fully paid leave

  • Changes are part of a wider, enhanced family and carers leave package for the firm’s people, including paid time off for neonatal care, caring responsibilities and fertility treatment;

  • YouGov research, commissioned by Deloitte and published today, shows that nine out of ten (87%) working parents say family leave is a major factor when choosing an employer;

  • Over half of working mothers (57%) have had to reduce working hours because of their co-parent’s workplace inflexibility;

  • More than half (54%) of working parents say they would consider leaving their jobs for improved work-life balance.

Deloitte UK has today announced a new policy of 26 weeks’ fully paid family leave* for all its new parents, which will come into effect on 1 January 2025. The move comes as new YouGov research**, commissioned by Deloitte, shows that family leave is a crucial consideration for employees, with nine out of ten (87%) saying it is a major factor when choosing an employer and 85% saying it is key for staying put.

Richard Houston, Deloitte Senior Partner and CEO, said: “I’m proud of the changes we’re announcing today – they demonstrate both the significance and value we place on looking after our people during some of the most important moments in their lives, as well as our added commitment to equality.”

Equal family leave policies could boost careers of working mothers

The Deloitte-commissioned research reveals the significant impact of unequal parenting leave and inflexible work arrangements on working mothers' career progression. Over half of working mothers (54%) say that if their partner had more parenting leave, it would help them to progress in their career.

An even higher number of working mothers (61%) say that if their partner had more flexibility in their role, it would help them to progress. 57% of working mothers say they have had to reduce working hours because of their co-parent’s workplace inflexibility, more than double the number of working fathers (25%).

Jackie Henry, Deloitte managing partner People & Purpose, said: “These findings underscore the urgent need for employers to adopt policies that support all parents in balancing work and family responsibilities, ultimately fostering greater gender equality in the workplace. We know that equalising paid parenting leave for all parents is an important step in improving gender equality and in giving families the opportunity to share responsibility right from the early days of parenthood. This move demonstrates our ongoing commitment to greater equality in family responsibilities - and will make Deloitte an even more family-friendly place to work.”

Call for transparency: jobseekers struggle to find family leave details

The Deloitte-commissioned research revealed that 50% of working parents find it challenging to access information about paternity and maternity leave during the job-hunting process. This lack of transparency can make it difficult for parents to make informed decisions about their careers.

Over a quarter of employees feel pressured when taking family leave

The survey also sheds light on challenges faced by working parents, with 67% reporting increased stress or anxiety levels while balancing work and family responsibilities. Just over a quarter (28%) say they are not encouraged by their employer to take time off for family-related commitments.

Beyond parenting leave, 61% of respondents expressed a desire for more flexible work hours for new fathers, with 46% wanting hybrid working and 42% calling for a more supportive workplace culture.

New paid leave for neonatal care, caring responsibilities and fertility treatment

Other new measures introduced by Deloitte today include up to 12 weeks of additional paid leave for parents whose child requires neonatal care.*** The firm is also increasing support for carers with long-term caregiving roles - who can now take five days paid leave per year - and strengthening support for those undergoing fertility treatment, by giving its people paid time off for fertility treatment. These new measures come on top of Deloitte’s existing family policies and support for its people.  

Henry concludes: “We support all definitions of family, which is why the measures we’ve announced today support our people at various stages of their lives – including those undergoing fertility treatment and those with long-term caring responsibilities. We believe that these changes will help our people to balance caring responsibilities with work commitments and support their wellbeing.”


Deloitte, one of the Big Four firms, has equalised paid parenting leave in the UK with a new policy that will allows all parents to be eligible for 26 weeks on full pay.

The firm is the first of the Big Four firms to equalise paid parenting leave to 26 weeks’ fully paid.

The policy combines all family leave types that are taken immediately following the birth or adoption of a child, which includes maternity, adoption and surrogacy, paternity and shared parental leave.

The move comes as YouGov research, commissioned by Deloitte, revealed that family leave is a crucial consideration for employees, with nine out of ten (87 per cent) saying it is a major factor when choosing an employer and 85 per cent saying it is key for staying put.

In addition to its equalised family leave policy, the firm is strengthening support for those undergoing fertility treatment by giving paid time off. It is also providing up to 12 weeks additional paid leave for parents whose child requires neonatal care.

In its announcement, Deloitte stated this new policy may boost careers of working mothers, as the data from the YouGov report stated that 54 per cent of working mothers said that if their partner had more parenting leave, it would help them to progress in their career.

The new policy is set to come into effect on 1 January 2025, and will be a day-one right.

Commenting on the policy, senior partner and CEO Richard Houston said: “I’m proud of the changes we’re announcing today – they demonstrate both the significance and value we place on looking after our people during some of the most important moments in their lives, as well as our added commitment to equality.”

While Jackie Henry, Deloitte managing partner people and purpose stated that “we know that equalising paid parenting leave for all parents is an important step in improving gender equality and in giving families the opportunity to share responsibility right from the early days of parenthood.”

She added that “this move demonstrates our ongoing commitment to greater equality in family responsibilities – and will make Deloitte an even more family-friendly place to work.”











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