华泰 | 宏观:12月FOMC - 连续降息或暂告一段落

华泰 | 宏观:12月FOMC - 连续降息或暂告一段落
2024年12月19日 07:43 市场投研资讯




北京时间12月19日(周四)凌晨,联储12月以11:1如期降息25bp,基准利率降至4.25%-4.5%,决议声明、点阵图以及鲍威尔讲话显示,就业市场风险下降,通胀温和回升的情况下,联储连续降息将告一段落,降息节奏将放缓,符合我们此前的判断。与9月会议类似,本次会议中一名委员(克利夫兰联储主席Hammac)反对进一步降息,显示进一步降息所面临的压力在加大;决议声明中,联储加入降息幅度和时点(extent and timing)取决于数据的表述,暗示可能不会继续连续降息;点阵图上修通胀预测,通胀回到2%的时点推后至2027年,2025年降息指引也从4次下调至2次;鲍威尔讲话中多次强调美国经济保持韧性,联储降息进入新的阶段,未来降息会更加谨慎(cautious)。整体偏鹰派的会议导致降息预期回落,美债收益率回升,美元走强,美股下跌。截至北京时间凌晨4:30,相较于会前,市场预期2025年累计降息幅度由48bp下降15bp至33bp;2年和10年期美债收益率上行13bp,11bp至4.35%,4.51%;美元指数上涨1%至108.1;美股三大股指振荡下行,标普500、道指、纳指分别下跌1.7%、2%、3.7%;黄金下跌1.6%至2609美元/盎司。

基本面方面,鲍威尔认为美国经济增长保持强劲,劳工市场仍在降温,通胀有所反复。增长方面,鲍威尔表示,美国经济增长动能较为强劲,表现好于全球其他国家,对2025年经济较为乐观。就业市场方面,鲍威尔认为,劳动力市场的下行风险下降,劳动力市场目前以有序的节奏逐步降温(gradual, orderly slowing);劳动力市场紧张程度较2019年已有所下降,不再是推升通胀的原因;通胀回落不需要劳动力市场继续降温。通胀方面,鲍威尔认为,通胀有所反复,但回落比预期更慢;预计通胀未来仍将向2%目标回落,原因是住房通胀将滞后回落,就业市场降温有助于非住房的市场化服务通胀回落,非住房非市场化服务通胀(汽车保险,组合管理费等)偏高但不是持久性通胀的来源。

利率指引方面,鲍威尔强调,未来降息节奏将放缓,降息需要看到通胀取得进展;点阵图将2025年降息幅度从4次削减至2次,长期中性利率进一步上调至3%。鲍威尔表示,联储不希望看到就业市场继续放缓,当前政策利率仍然处于限制区间(meaningful restrictive),且通胀仍然在向2%回归,联储仍有必要降息;考虑到已降息100bp,更加接近中性利率,且就业市场风险下降,通胀温和回升,未来降息会更加谨慎(cautious),但具体节奏仍然取决于后续数据表现,需要看到通胀取得进展。此外,鲍威尔认为2025年降息的可能性小,利率目前仍然有限制性,体现在就业市场的放缓以及房地产市场的低迷。点阵图显示,联储推迟和削减降息幅度,2025-2027年降息节奏从4-2-0调整为2-2-1。点阵图显示2025年累计降息幅度从4次100bp下调至2次50bp,2026-2027年分别再降息50bp和25bp,2025-2027年累计降息幅度为125bp,不及9月点阵图指引的150bp。降息终点上调至3.1%,高于9月FOMC,与6月FOMC一致。此外,继3,6和9月FOMC上调长期名义均衡利率后,12月FOMC再次将长期名义均衡利率的预测值小幅上修0.1个百分点至3.0%(图表5),与近期美国经济持续超预期,且委员认为中性利率上升的表态一致。


往前看,维持此前观点,联储2025年将放缓降息节奏,特朗普政策或是影响联储降息路径的主要因素。联储大选后美国经济维持较强韧性,亚特兰大联储GDP Now指示四季度增速维持在3%左右。12月较为鹰派的指引,叠加鲍威尔放缓降息的表态,我们认为1月会议大概率将暂停降息,以观察特朗普政策及其潜在影响。基准情形下,特朗普关税等政策可能推高2025年下半年通胀,制约联储降息节奏,我们预计联储2025年上半年降息2次,下半年停止降息。考虑到近期美国增长动能维持韧性,若特朗普政策导致通胀回升时点更早或幅度更大,不排除2025年降息幅度不到2次的可能性。



Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a solid pace. Since earlier in the year, labor market conditions have generally eased, and the unemployment rate has moved up but remains low. Inflation has made progress toward the Committee's 2 percent objective but remains somewhat elevated.

The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. The Committee judges that the risks to achieving its employment and inflation goals are roughly in balance. The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Committee is attentive to the risks to both sides of its dual mandate.

In support of its goals, the Committee decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point to 4-1/24 to 4-3/41/2 percent. In considering the extent and timing of additional adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will carefully assess incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks. The Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgagebacked securities. The Committee is strongly committed to supporting maximum employment and returning inflation to its 2 percent objective.

In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.

Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Thomas I. Barkin; Michael S. Barr; Raphael W. Bostic; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Mary C. Daly; Beth M. Hammack; Philip N. Jefferson; Adriana D. Kugler; and Christopher J. Waller. Voting against the action was Beth M. Hammack, who preferred to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent.

降息 通胀 FOMC 鲍威尔 就业市场









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