Hello! Welcome to this edition of CBN Perspective. I’m Stephanie Li.
If your English teacher was someone who looks just like the renowned Hong Kong-based American actor Daniel Wu Neh-tsu, would you still have struggled with English learning?
Probably no. For my friend Shirley, a 30-year-old white collar in Guangzhou who paid 398 yuan for Daniel Wu’s AI-powered English course, her “romantic yet educational render-vous” with Mr. Wu every night after work has so far proved to be quite worthy.
“After two weeks into the course, I’m impressed by its structure. Beyond Wu’s video lessons, it includes four supplementary live-streamed English sessions, creating a surprisingly systematic curriculum. And his teaching focuses on real-life scenarios such as hotel reservations, which are genuinely practical for working professionals like me looking to reignite their English skills. The beginner-friendly content makes it ideal for easing back into language learning,” Shirley said.
Like many others, Shirley signed up primarily to the actor's charming self. The novelty of "Daniel Wu as an English teacher" is almost irresistible, especially after seeing his charismatic teaching clips on social media.
The chance to watch him on-screen, hear his authentic pronunciation, and even engage in AI-powered dialogues with a simulated version of Wu adds tremendous enjoyment and motivation to the learning process, especially for fans like Shirley.
Wu, who was born and raised in California, is widely celebrated for his good looks and is regarded as one of the most proficient English-speaking stars within the Chinese film industry who graduated from the University of Oregon.
The course, titled “Learn Spoken English with Daniel Wu”, is priced at 398 yuan and consists of 84 short videos featuring Wu teaching daily oral English, with promises that students can “ace 35 conversational scenarios in just 30 days.”
The e-learning product encompasses a diverse array of topics, including everyday expressions for traveling and shopping, intriguing slang and idioms, as well as engaging tongue-twister exercises.
It was a collaboration between Beijing-based education group Gaotu and Wu’s own education venture, Yashi Education Technology. Not surprisingly, the course became an instant hit. It generated sales of 5 million yuan within just five days of launch.

Wu has played action heroes, gangsters, and warriors, with acclaims across the movie industry and even won a Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor, but the reviews are mixed this time in his latest role as an English teacher.
Many users believe the price for learning English with the "attractive" and "handsome" star is reasonable. And the course is remarkably interactive, allowing students to practice oral English through dialogues and role-plays while engaging in vocal conversations with an AI powered by DeepSeek, which synthesizes Wu’s voice.
However, some complained that Wu only appears for five minutes in each lesson and that the course takes advantage of Wu's reputation for promotion.
As discussions are heating up, Wu said in a recent video: “From an actor to a director, my roles have constantly evolved; but what has remained constant is that English has always been an essential tool for me to connect with the world.”
In fact, Wu is not alone in his endeavor to educate via online platforms; notable personalities such as author J.K. Rowling and Hollywood film star Edward Norton have also explored similar ventures.
According to incomplete statistics complied by media, 13 celebrities in China have entered the education market in the past decade, mainly focusing on language training and music education.
In 2018, former CCTV host Zhang Quanling launched an app offering Chinese language training camps, and live classes for children aged 5 to 15. In 2021, singer Wang Leehom created a music learning app, launching a 30-day singing course.
While celebrity endorsements are commonplace, this venture into education raises more eyebrows. Let’s explore the nuances.
Celebrities traditionally endorse tangible goods—cosmetics, apparel, or fitness products—where trust stems from personal branding rather than expertise. Wu’s course, however, diverges by selling intangible educational value. Here, credibility hinges not just on star power but on measurable outcomes like pronunciation accuracy and pedagogical structure.
The course’s marketing leverages Wu’s native speaker credential. Yet, unlike a skincare product’s immediate effects, language learning requires sustained engagement. This shift from impulse buying to intellectual investment challenges consumers to weigh fandom against functionality.
Initial sales figures highlight the allure of celebrity-driven education. However, user reviews reveal a tension: while some praise the structured 84-lesson format and bite-sized videos, others note Wu’s limited screen time, with a co-instructor delivering half the content. This raises questions about transparency in advertising educational roles.
Different from previous celebrities crossovers, the course has also marketed its distinct AI features, branded as “AI Ah-tsu,” exemplifies the industry’s tech-forward aspirations. Yet, the AI currently supports voice-only practice, instead of the promotional visuals of video-based dialogues, which many deem as “false advertising.” Some users also find that a few key tools like film clip exercises remain “in development.”
These challenges mirror broader EdTech growing pains. While Wu’s team utilizes DeepSeek’s language models, the gap between marketing ambitions and technical delivery underscores a sector-wide need for responsible AI implementation.
Can celebrity courses evolve beyond “edutainment” into legitimate skill-building tools? The answer may lie in content architecture. Wu’s course emphasizes situational dialogues over grammar drills—a pragmatic approach praised by some but criticized as “structurally light” by language experts, as celebrities lack clear teaching qualifications.
But that’s probably going to cost a lot more than 398 yuan. A 2024 Nielsen report shows 62% of Gen Z prefer influencer-led learning. So maybe my friend Shirley is on to something:
“In an era where many celebrities monetize their fame through livestream sales, Wu’s pivot to leveraging his bilingual expertise as an educator feels socially constructive. Not only because he can, but also it promotes educational values over commercial endorsements.”

Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI
Sound Editor: Stephanie LI
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC

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