
2022年02月22日 16:45 市场资讯



  中央证券托管机构  跨境互联  国际比较  金融基础设施  






  纵观各国金融市场,CSD跨境互联是推动金融市场开放的重要环节与保障。国际清算银行(BIS)于1995年发布的跨境结算专题报告《跨境证券结算研究》(Cross-border securities settlements)总结了证券市场跨境互联最常见的五种模式。本文针对各国CSD/ICSD等跨境互联实践,尝试对四种典型模式进行进一步提炼、比较与分析,并将资金账户、证券账户的开立与资金流、证券流抽象体现在模式图中。








  第二种模式被称为“出站互联”(out-bound),即DTC在他国CSD设立证券账户,成为对方的外籍参与人。目前,DTC“出站互联”的互联机构主要是明讯、瑞士SIX SIS Ltd及加拿大证券托管公司。在这些“出站互联”中,只有与加拿大证券托管公司的互联允许以加拿大元作为结算货币,另两个互联仅为纯券过户。

















  同时,尽管各项业务(如税收业务、发行人服务等)的基本原理相同,但不同国家往往有不同的做法和处理流程,因此在实际操作过程中还需遵循投资国的法律制度要求。在银行间债券市场,明讯银行暂未实现直联,而是通过部分全球托管行间接参与。近年来,为积极探索更高效、便捷的互联模式,明讯银行也开始与我国CSD合作,致力于共同推动全球投资者通过银行间债券市场直接投资的全球通(CIBM Direct)模式入市(参见模式四),未来全球通模式将大幅提升全球投资者的入市效率。






























  因纸质化发行、路径依赖等特定历史原因,目前有一些国家在跨境互联的过程中采用多级托管、间接持有模式。在这种模式下,客户与其委托的证券托管机构之间发生法律关系,该托管机构负责对投资者的证券账户进行维护和清算交收;托管机构再以自己的名义与CSD、发行人发生法律关系。学者和业界指出,这种间接持有模式损害了投资者行使其权利的能力。国际货币基金组织(IMF)在明讯卢森堡评估报告中曾指出,明讯卢森堡对间接客户或分级客户(tiered participants)既没有为其开立账户,也没有相应的识别程序,可能会带来风险6









































  3.明讯卢森堡(Clearstream Banking Luxembourg , CBL)是明讯集团的子公司,与明讯法兰克福分别负责卢森堡、德国国内的证券托管,同时明讯卢森堡亦是ICSD,负责国际范围内的证券托管。








  [1]国际统一私法协会. 中介化证券立法指引——关于日内瓦证券公约原则与规则的执行[S]. 2019.

  [2] 闫彦明,马隽卿. 国际化视角看“结算”完善我国证券市场结算体系[J]. 当代金融家,2021(8):3.

  [3]支付结算体系委员会/国际清算银行、国际证监会组织技术委员会. 金融市场基础设施原则(中国人民银行支付结算司,译)[M]. 北京:中国金融出版社, 2013.

  [4]中央国债登记结算有限责任公司. 债券托管结算业务(第五次修订版)[M]. 北京:经济科学出版社, 2016.

  ◇ 本文原载《债券》2022年1月刊

  ◇ 作者:中央结算公司上海总部研发部  阮立遥  闫彦明

  ◇ 责任编辑:刘颖  印颖

  Comparative Analysis on and Implications from Models and Arrangements of Cross-border CSD Links

  Ruan Liyao, Yan Yanming


  The cross-border central securities depository (CSD) link could facilitate access to China’s bond market and help reach out to a large number of foreign investors at one time. This paper sets out four main models in cross-border custody and settlement practices by analyzing their advantages, disadvantages and risks. It also reviews related legal arrangement in the common law and civil law systems, as well as relevant practices in China. Finally, this paper seeks to propose a basic plan for the cross-border CSD link in China, and puts forward suggestions from the perspectives of structural arrangements, service optimization, risk prevention and efficiency improvement.


  CSD, cross-border link, international comparison, financial market infrastructure

  As an efficient and secure financial market infrastructure (FMI) arrangement, cross-border CSD link plays a key role in facilitating foreign access to a domestic financial market, reaching out to a large number of foreign investors at one time, and preventing financial risks. In recent years, global investors have continued to grow their investment in RMB bonds. At the same time, China works to continue its opening-up and improve FMI arrangements while pursuing the new development pattern. These have created new and higher demands on strengthening cross-border CSD link. From the perspective of the bond market, this paper compares models and arrangements used in cross-border CSD links, and tries to find relevant implications for China.

  Participants in CSD Cross-Border Link

  Investment into a foreign securities market is often impeded by obstacles in custody and settlement due to different legal systems, tax policies, market evolution and so on. Cross-border CSD link rises in response to facilitate custody and settlement by connecting FMIs and intermediaries in different countries.

  The cross-border custody and settlement process mainly involves four types of entities, that is, CSDs, international central securities depositories (ICSD)1, global custodians and local agents (see Table 1).

  Main Models and Case Study of Cross-border CSD Link

  Cross-border CSD link is an important part and guarantee to promote the opening-up of financial markets. In 1995, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) prepared a special report on cross-border settlement - Cross-border Securities Settlements, which summarizes the five most common models of cross-border link in the securities market. Built on cross-border link practices (such as CSD/ICSD) in various markets, this paper tries to compare and analyze four typical models, and plots the cash account, the securities account, the capital flow and securities flow in the charts.

  i. Model I: CSD/ICSD direct link

  1. Overview

  Through local CSDs or transnational ICSDs (such as Euroclear and Clearstream), a non-resident could settle its trade through direct access to overseas CSD and act as a settlement participant (see Chart 1).

  2. Case study

  (1) US DTCC (CSD-CSD direct link)

  Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is an American FMI service provider that provides registration, custody and settlement services for the US bond market. It uses two models in international business.

  The first is the “in-bound” link. CSDs of other countries set up securities accounts with DTCC’s subsidiary, Depository Trust Company (DTC), and become foreign participants2 of DTC. In this model, CSDs of other countries are the “investor CSD” while DTC is the “issuer CSD”. Existing foreign participants could act as CSDs that provide delivery versus payment (DVP) settlement services, such as the Canadian Depository for Securities Limited (TMX CDS), or enable only free-of-payment (FOP) transfers, like the CSDs of the UK, Japan, Singapore and ICSDs such as Clearstream.

  The second is the “out-bound” link. DTC sets up securities accounts with foreign CSDs and become a foreign participant in the local market. This model is now used with Clearstream, SIX SIS Ltd of Switzerland and TMX CDS. Among these “out-bounds” links, only the link with TMX CDS allows settlement in CAD, while the other two enable only FOP transfers.

  (2) Euroclear Model I (CSD-ICSD direct link)

  After opening an account with Euroclear, investors can access CSDs of many countries through Euroclear for cross-border settlement and cross-border collateral management. The cross-border direct link between Euroclear and CSDs of other countries can be direct link or link via a segregated account structure.

  In terms of a direct link, Euroclear opens an omnibus account as the nominee with a local CSD. The account records the securities held by the settlement members of Euroclear and their customers in the local market in an omnibus way.

  If linking via a segregated account structure, Euroclear opens a segregated account with the local CSD for its settlement member in the name of the ultimate beneficiary, which is used for separately recording the securities held by each ultimate beneficiary in the local market.

  3. Advantages, disadvantages and risks

  The advantage of a direct link through CSD lies in the reduction of the tiers and the number of intermediaries. Customers could finalize cross-border transactions without changing their settlement habits. Thus, this is a relatively simple and low-cost link. Its disadvantages are as follows: first, it can only settle transactions between two jurisdictions; second, it could provide fewer services compared to the wealth of financial services offered by global custodians or local agents.

  The cross-border direct link via ICSDs offers the following advantages over CSDs. First, ICSDs offer access to multiple markets through a single gateway at lower cost. Second, the fees charged by the ICSDs for an internal settlement or a settlement via the Bridge are often much lower than the settlement fee charged by a local agent. Third, ICSDs can provide efficient settlement services, including end-of-day batch processing and intraday securities lending. However, there are also the following risks. First, internal settlements are effected under the ICSD’s own rules and procedures, which often differ significantly from the rules and procedures in the local markets to which they are linked. Second, replacement costs in internal settlements may be high, implying larger exposures on unsettled contracts. Third, once a Bridge settlement fails, it may trigger a chain of risks.

  ii. Model II: CSD link through global custodians

  1. Overview

  A global custodian holds global assets as entrusted by the asset owners and managers, and streamlines the process for investing in multiple markets through a single gateway for settlement and asset services, integrated customer services and comprehensive reports. Under this arrangement, customers use a single global custodian as a “one-stop shop” (see Chart 2), instead of having to link to local custodians in each market.

  It is worth noting that the participation of custodians does not mean that CSD link has to use multi-tier custody and indirect holding. In practice, the direct holding model can also be adopted based on the local laws and regulations as well as requirements of market participants, asset owners and asset managers.

  2. Case study

  (1) Global custodian

  A global custodian provides its customers with access to settlement and custody services by a network of sub-custodians, including the global custodian’s own local branches and external sub-custodians. Its network management should be strong enough to ensure proper selection, designation and real-time monitoring of all their sub-custodians. Its customers include supranational institutions and sovereign nations, central banks, commercial banks, insurance companies, pension managers, enterprises, etc.

  (2) Clearstream

  A customer open a securities account with Clearstream Banking Luxembourg (CBL)3, and the securities under custody can be either its proprietary securities or its customers’ securities. CBL does not actually hold the securities in custody, but entrusts to custodians in various countries that open securities accounts with CSDs in each country for final custody of such securities. Clearstream, as one node in the whole business chain, its timeliness and accuracy of operation is dependent on the accuracy and timeliness of upstream and downstream nodes.

  Meanwhile, although the fundamentals of business operations (such as tax issues and issuer service) are similar, practices and procedures often vary across countries. So, it is important to comply with the legal requirements in each local market. In China’s interbank bond market, Clearstream has not realized direct link yet. Instead, it participates in the market in an indirect way through some global custodians. In recent years, in order to explore a more efficient and convenient link model, Clearstream has started to work with Chinese CSD in pursuit of a shared commitment to facilitating global investors through CIBM Direct, a direct access model to the interbank bond market (see Mode IV). In the future, CIBM Direct will greatly raise the efficiency of market access.

  3. Advantages, disadvantages and risks

  CSD link through global custodians can utilize the global network of the latter to provide a single gateway and standard services for cross-border investors. Another advantage is the availability of foreign exchange service readily provided by the global custodians, which makes multi-currency position management easier for customers.

  The disadvantages are as follows. First, as a commercial bank, a global custodian functions differently from CSDs, which increases business tiers in while connecting to different CSDs, and therefore the overall complexity and risks. Second, the higher charge by the global custodians increases the costs for investors. Third, the legal backing for the multi-tier custody adopted by global custodians differs across jurisdictions. In case of a dispute, it is likely to cause conflicts in legal rules and loss to investors.

  The model poses the following risks. First, under the multi-tier custody model, settlement through a global custodian exposes a non-resident counterparty to custody risk. Second, lack of see-through information makes supervision harder. Third, the service provided by global custodians may bring risks4

  iii. Model III: CSD link through local agents

  1. Overview

  A local agent helps cross-border settlement through an account it maintains for its foreign investor customers at the local CSD. Local agents are usually direct participants in the local CSD. According to the Cross-border Securities Settlements, the use of a local agent remains perhaps the most common method of settling cross-border stock trades (see Chart 3).

  2. Case study: Euroclear Model II

  In addition to the above-mentioned CSD link to various countries (Euroclear Mode I), Euroclear can also link through its local agents. Under this model, Euroclear opens an omnibus account as a nominee with a local agent (the local agent should be the settlement member of the local CSD). The account book-keeps the securities held by the settlement members of Euroclear and their customers in the local market in an omnibus way.

  Taking Euroclear UK & International (EUI) as an example, countries indirectly linked to EUI currently include Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, etc.

  3. Advantages and disadvantages

  The advantage of this model lies in that it can give full play to the role of local agents. Its risk depends on the custodial structure used in each market - no additional risks in the case of direct holding, and could even be more efficient and convenient as local agents are more familiar with the local laws and regulations; however, if the local market uses an indirect holding structure, the risk is similar to that of link through global custodians.

  iv. Model IV: direct participation through local settlement agents

  1. Overview

  In practice, emerging markets like China, by drawing on the late-mover advantages, advanced information technology and best practices established in the international market, have devised a more efficient and securer link model based on their reality, i.e., the direct participation of foreign investors. Under this model, instead of using a link through a foreign CSD, foreign investors can choose to open an account directly with the local CSD, or become participants of the local CSD with the help of local settlement agents. The latter is used as a common practice in China, where settlement agents play a crucial part for foreign investors to access the market (see Chart 4).

  2. Typical case: CIBM Direct in China

  A typical case is CIBM Direct which allows foreign investors to participate in the Chinese interbank bond market in a direct way5 and thus functions as the most-used access to the market. Data show that the “three types of institutions” (including foreign central banks) and large financial institutions tend to invest in China’s bond market through CIBM Direct. Specifically, as for the settlement agent, foreign central banks can choose the People’s Bank of China (PBC) Shanghai Head Office or a Chinese settlement bank as the settlement agent, through which they open accounts in front and back offices of the interbank market to make investments. The bond registration, custody, settlement and interest/principal payment are processed through the Chinese CSD.

  Focusing on continuous improvement of CIBM Direct, CCDC, as an important FMI of and the key gateway to China’s bond market, has been working on direct link with ICSDs (Euroclear and Clearstream). It has also supported the development of Macao and other offshore bond markets from the perspective of cross-border FMI cooperation. Such efforts have been welcomed by a large number of foreign investors. Backed by an efficient FMI system, China’s bond market is opening up at a steady and rapid pace. In practice, the link arrangement based on centralized registration and see-through supervision has taken shape; supplemented by multi-tiered services and other flexible measures, it has become a global best practice as it ensures security, convenience and efficiency in cross-border link.

  3. Advantages and risks

  The direct participation through local settlement agents allows for efficient and fast operation, clear legal relationships and complete beneficial rights for investors, providing diverse customer services while ensuring see-through supervision. The local CSD offers basic securities services such as registration, custody and settlement. Settlement agents provide diversified financial services for their downstream intermediaries or investors. In this way, all involved parties serve respective functions in a coordinated way, so as to carry out business process in response to differentiated customer demands, as well as compliance with laws and regulations. In terms of settlement efficiency, as direct holding is used, the settlement cycle for foreign investors via CIBM Direct is mainly T+1, and even T+0 in some cases, which is the most efficient. Other models (including the Bond Connect), by contrast, is still settling on T+2 or T+3 despite efforts to pursue shorter settlement cycles. In reality, the majority of foreign investors participate in China’s bond market through CIBM Direct. According to the public data of CCDC, as of the end of November 2021, foreign investors held nearly RMB2.7 trillion of bonds through CIBM Direct, accounting for 75%, which confirmed CIBM Direct as the most-used access to the Chinese bond market.

  At the same time, foreign investors entering the market through settlement agents face similar settlement risks as local investors, not subject to additional risks arising from cross-border arrangements. However, care should be taken to guard against the risks caused by improper operation of settlement agents or failure in connection between technical systems.

  International Experience in Cross-border CSD link

  International experience shows that, cross-border CSD link, as an important basic arrangement for the opening-up of securities markets, has been widely used in practice. We can come to the following implications based on relevant practices in different countries.

  First, the CSD link model should follow market development and evolve into a secure, efficient and convenient arrangement. At present, risks of the link models are largely from multi-tier custody and indirect holding, which are legacies from path dependence and vested interest. In the wake of the global financial crisis, a growing emphasis has been placed on information transparency. Therefore, we should always base on see-through supervision when exploring diversified link models, and bring CSDs, ICSDs, settlement agents, custodians and other related parties into the process, so as to provide good services for investors.

  Second, the choice of CSD link model should be based on domestic conditions and local legal arrangements. Internationally, affected by path dependence and differences in national conditions, markets have formed diversified cross-border CSD link models. In the selection of link models, it is important to understand the historical causes in each foreign market and then select a model in line with China’s actual conditions, thus avoiding risks such as rule mismatch that may arise from rigid duplication of a foreign model.

  Third, the CSD link model requires well-established supporting arrangements. With increasingly frequent cross-border bond trading and stricter regulation by domestic and foreign authorities, it is necessary to improve supporting arrangements related to CSD services, and put in place well-established technical systems and risk management mechanisms for cross-border custody and settlement, so as to ensure security of trading, regulation, risk prevention, CSD service quality as well as convenience for foreign investors. 

  Comparison of Custodial Structure and Legal Arrangements in CSD Links

  i. Custodial structure 

  The custodial structure lies at the core in securities market operation, and in all of the above-mentioned cross-border link models. The commonly-used structures are the single-tier custody and the multi-tier custody.

  Due to paper-based issuance, path dependence and other historical legacies, some markets still rely on the multi-tier custody and indirect holding in the cross-border link. In this way, there is a legal relationship between the customer and the securities custodian it entrusted, in which the custodian is responsible for maintaining, clearing and settling securities accounts for the customer. Then, the custodian establishes a legal relationship with the CSD and the issuer in its own name. Professionals have pointed out impaired capability of the ultimate investor in exercising its rights under this model. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also states in its assessment report of CBL that CBL neither opens accounts nor has proper identification process for its indirect or tiered participants, which may cause risks.

  On the basis of international experience, late-movers or emerging markets tend to use the single-tier custody which is secure, efficient, and transparent with clear legal relationships. Under the single-tier custody model, the CSD performs the functions of central registration, depository and settlement, open securities accounts for all investors participating in securities trading, keep securities held by actual investors, and directly process securities transfer in settlement. Today’s internet development and paperless trading also work better with this model in boosting efficiency, transparency and security. At present, the single-tier custody is used in Australia, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, etc.

  ii. Legal arrangements 

  As laws and regulations vary across countries when it comes to the custodial structure and ownership of securities, legal conflicts are almost inevitable in cross-border links. To make it worse, the complicated ownership relations in the multi-tier custody and indirect holding model are even more likely to cause risks. The paper hereby sets out and compares relevant legal arrangements related to CSD links.

  1. Common law system

  Common law is adopted in the US, the UK, Singapore, etc. Their CSD-related legal arrangements are mainly trading rules and self-regulatory rules, while some do have relevant clauses in the statute laws, such as the Uniform Commercial Code of the US and the Securities and Futures Act of Singapore.

  (1) Choice of governing court in case of a cross-border conflict

  Most common law countries require foreign CSD participants to submit to the jurisdiction of their courts. Policy Statement on the Admission of Non-U.S. Entities as Direct Depository Participants stipulates that, when a foreign CSD applies for an account with DTC, the relevant regulator of the foreign applicant shall have entered into a memorandum of understanding with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the applicant shall promise to be submit to the jurisdiction of the US court in the event of cross-border conflicts.

  In case of a dispute, some countries recognize the jurisdiction of other countries’ courts with certain flexibility retained. For example, in Singapore, any judgments made by foreign courts against Singapore CSD should go through the procedures of a Singapore court and should be enforced in Singapore in securities liquidation proceedings, and in some cases the Singapore court may refuse to accept and execute them.

  (2) Choice of applicable law in case of cross-border conflict

  There are differences in the choice of applicable law. The US adopts “Place of the Relevant Intermediary Approach” (PRIMA), and its Uniform Commercial Code stipulates a series of matters7 in connection with which the PRIMA is the applicable law. The UK adopts “lex rei sitae” (the law where the property is situated) as the applicable law.

  2. Civil law system

  Civil law is used in EU (such as Germany and France) and Japan.

  (1) Choice of governing court in case of a cross-border conflict

  Generally speaking, most civil law countries agree that their courts have jurisdiction. For example, the Japanese CSD stipulates that if indirect foreign account managers are involved, the Tokyo District Court is the court with exclusive jurisdiction. As the CSD of France, Euroclear France stipulates that France assumes the jurisdiction and the responsibility related to asset protection.

  In addition, some countries follows the principle of voluntariness and consensus. For example, CBL stipulates that issuers may, at their discretion, choose a jurisdiction in the form of legal opinions when issuing international bonds.

  (2) Choice of applicable law in case of cross-border conflict

  As for the choice of applicable law, most EU countries adopt “the most relevant place approach”, that is, local laws, such as the laws of the place where the relevant market is located, the place where the relevant account is located or the place of registration, shall apply. In case the most relevant place approach can not solve the conflict, parties may also determine the applicable law through negotiation or according to legal opinions in advance. For example, CBL stipulates that applicable rules of local markets shall apply under the “out-bound” link. However, in France, the pledge under securities accounts opened with direct intermediaries in France shall be governed by French law, regardless of whether the accounts contain securities issued by non-French issuers. Besides, French conflict laws stipulate that the asset protection rule is determined by the law of the place where the account manager is located.

  Japan defines the scope of application of extraterritorial laws. Matters involving local custody of securities in Hong Kong, South Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, the UK and the US shall be determined by the custody contracts of local custodians or foreign CSD rules that conform to the legal systems of those jurisdictions.

  3. Practice in China

  Traditional jurisprudence holds that China’s legal system is a civil law system, but in the fields of commercial law and financial law, China shares some characteristics of common law, thus forming a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics. In recent years, with the advancement of RMB internationalization and the accelerated opening-up of China’s financial sector, China keeps rolling out innovative measures in light of national conditions while improves alignment with international standards. At the same time, related laws and regulations still need to be improved, and many practical problems require enhanced legislative efforts and judicial interpretation.

  (1) Choice of governing court in case of a cross-border conflict

  With regard to the determination of the court governing cross-border securities disputes, the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Procedure Law”) and the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court have set forth general provisions on the jurisdiction of foreign-related civil and commercial litigations. However, China has not yet issued specific rules for cross-border securities business. In particular, Article 265 of the Civil Procedure Law provides that the exclusive jurisdiction concerning foreign-related contracts or securities property right and interest disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of China’s courts. Pursuant to Articles 33 and 266, for the exclusive jurisdiction cases, unless both parties agree on arbitration, the agreement of one or both parties to choose foreign courts is invalid. According to relevant judicial interpretations, foreign-related securities disputes subject to non-exclusive jurisdiction can be governed by agreed litigation, and the two parties may opt by written agreement to subject to the jurisdiction8 of foreign courts that are actually related to the disputes. With the establishment of Shanghai Financial Court and Beijing Financial Court, the scope of jurisdiction has been expanded. China’s financial courts will play a more pronounced role in the adjudication of cross-border securities disputes in the future.

  (2) Choice of applicable law in case of cross-border conflict

  As for the choice of applicable law for foreign-related securities disputes, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relations sets out general provisions9 on the law most closely related to securities, the choice of applicable law upon agreements and the law of the place of infringement. In case of a securities-related breach, parties involved are allowed to choose the applicable law of the contract upon agreement; if there is no choice, the laws at the habitual residence of party whose fulfillment of obligations can best reflect the characteristics of this contract or other laws which have the closest relation with this contract shall apply. In case of a tort, it is generally necessary to apply the law of the place where the tort occurs; but if the tort involves Chinese securities, parties involved can also apply Chinese laws by agreement. In addition, the legislature is also aware of the urgency of solving problems related to cross-border securities. Article 2 of the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China as amended stipulates that the overseas securities issuance and trading activities that “disrupt the market order within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, and damage the legitimate rights and interests of domestic investors shall be dealt with and investigated for legal responsibilities in accordance with relevant provisions of this Law”. In the field of arbitration, China has become a party to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Under the guidance of the applicable law in consensus, the successful party in the arbitration may apply for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards by the judicial organs of convention signatories. In recent years, China has also been improving its arrangements related to cross-border securities dispute adjudication. For example, the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Construction of an International Financial Center requires financial arbitration institutions in Shanghai to “improve financial arbitration rules in accordance with laws, regulations and international practices, so as to make financial arbitration more professional and more in line with international standards”.

  iii. Conclusions and lessons

  From the perspective of custodial structure, see-through supervision and single-tier custody are the arrangements that have worked well with market trends and drawn attention from international markets. The “Chinese Model” created in China’s interbank bond market based on late-mover advantage has been affirmed by investors at home and abroad. In the future, we should stick to the direct link model featuring single-tier custody and direct holding, maintain the integrity of the market structure, and protect the investors. In the meantime, it is also important to improve alignment with international standards and be flexible to accommodate diversified link models. 

  From the legal perspective, it is a common practice to enable connectivity by signing bilateral or multilateral agreements for cooperation. China has also put it into practice. For example, CCDC, as a national FMI in China, has been working with international peers to develop compatible, secure and efficient cross-border link solutions. Over the past few years, it has arrived at MOUs with Clearstream and Euroclear. In 2020, it took a further step to sign an MOU with Singapore Exchange at the meeting of Shanghai-Singapore Comprehensive Cooperation Council. Going forward, it is necessary to learn from international experience, pay more attention to safeguarding national sovereignty and respecting the will of the parties. Efforts should be made to improve rules related to the choice of applicable law in conflicts. As for governing courts, it is necessary to encourage foreign institutions to recognize judicial decisions of China, and choose Chinese financial courts and arbitration institutions as the seat of adjudication and arbitration.

  Implications and Suggestions

  i. Cross-border CSD link should be advanced based on a clear-minded plan 

  It can be concluded that efficiency, transparency and functionality are the fundamental requirements when designing a cross-border CSD link for the bond market. As China is stepping up its opening-up initiative, the ultimate purpose of cross-border CSD link is to facilitate and optimize market opening-up. Therefore, while enhancing alignment with international markets, it is also crucial to take full consideration of China’s actual situations, and to innovate and improve market access for global investors on the premise of see-through supervision. That is how we can create a coordinated and enabling ecosystem for opening-up.

  First, to stick to and improve the Chinese model in line with international practices. At the onset of China’s interbank bond market, an efficient and secure registration, custody and settlement system was put in place as guided by delicate top-level design, lessons learned from international experience and consideration of the local situation. This system underlay China’s flight to the world’s second largest bond market and earned praise from ICSDs and foreign CSDs. It, therefore, has become the indisputable Chinese model. Amid growing complexity in the international market, the opening-up process of China’s bond market will come to new challenges. In addition to efforts to enhance alignment with international practices, we should always stay confident in our own model and present tested Chinese practices to the globe. 

  Second, to keep financial risks under control. When design the CSD link in the process of opening up China’s bond market, a critical prerequisite is to keep risks under control and ensure financial stability. Compared with the common practice in developed markets that relies on indirect holding through nominee accounts, the  direct holding model, which has been developed and tested over time in China, boasts greater efficiency and clearer legal relationships. In the Chinese model, with well-established rules, the regulators can implement see-through supervision and no controversy will occur.

  Third, to improve multi-tiered services and win-win cooperation. In the process of promoting opening-up and connectivity, it is necessary to ensure that the financial sector should serve real economy while protecting national interests. Lessons learned from the experience in other countries should be kept in mind to avoid mistakes. On the other hand, it is also important to seek win-win cooperation. Emphasis may be given to how to work with global custodians and ICSDs, and foreign investors who have accessed China’s market through foreign intermediaries need to be properly protected.

  ii. Suggestions on specific measures

  First, see-through supervision should be upheld to ensure financial security and investors’ interests. In the context of financial globalization, the global flow of capital and allocation of assets are becoming more frequent. By drawing on lessons from other countries, we should hold on to see-through supervision, ensure clear and transparent books, and protect national financial security and investors’ interests. Practical suggestions are as follows. First, on the basis of direct holding and see-through supervision, foreign investors should be encouraged to open accounts (fund accounts and securities accounts) directly with Chinese CSDs through settlement agents or in batches through ICSDs, thus ensuring see-through information on underlying investors. Second, in addition to the “non-trade transfer” mechanism for bonds on the QFII, RQFII and CIBM Direct accounts of the same foreign entity, explorations can be made to allow tiered management of bond accounts, where legal person entities and unincorporated products will be separated. In this way, the rights on an account will be matched to the legal status of the account holder in a clear way, thus enhancing investor protection.

  Second, the FMI system should be improved to enhance security and efficiency of the cross-border link. On the one hand, it is suggested to establish an advanced cross-border settlement and custody arrangement, an efficient and secure cross-border custodian transfer mechanism, and a unified registration and custody system covering multiple products across markets. Meanwhile, full-fledged collateral management services, full-spectrum valuation services, and comprehensive information services are also needed to support the FMI system for cross-border link. While keeping in line with international rules, foreign investors will be encouraged to choose Chinese courts and arbitration institutions for adjudication and arbitration. On the other hand, standardization needs to be enhanced to raise efficiency and convenience for foreign investors to participate in the Chinese market. To this end, relevant measures include using the globally accepted SWIFT message standards, connecting efficiently to CIPS, improving customer service portals and websites, and offering multilingual services.

  Third, both “in-bound” and “out-bound” links should be promoted to facilitate RMB internationalization and the Belt and Road Initiative. On the in-bound side, CIBM Direct should continue its status as the most-used channel, for its time-tested role in helping China’s rise to the world’s second largest bond market and ensuring well-paced market opening-up. On top of that, improvements will also be made to make this model even better. For example, efforts can be made to enhance CSD connectivity with countries along the Belt and Road, so as to bridge flow of capital as well as information. On the out-bound side, it is suggested to expand the use of CIBM Direct, supplemented by compatible and viable arrangements for CSD links, to facilitate securities investments in the Belt and Road region. As for the two-way opening-up, pilot programs can be first rolled out int the free trade zones (ports) to grow an offshore RMB bond market based on “diversified trading venues and integrated custody service”. Thus onshore FMIs will be able to provide registration and custody services for the offshore RMB bond market, adding new models and scenarios to the cross-border CSD link. Besides, the rules for offshore bonds should be made carefully by catering to both local situations and international rules, so that we can keep the initiative in cross-border cooperation and also attract global investors.

  (This article is part of the deliverables of the Research on Registration, Custody and Settlement in the Bond Market of CCDC Research and Development Center.)


  1. It is sometimes translated as “中央证券存管机构” to be distinguished from custodian banks.

  2. Certain conditions have to be met before a foreign participant may connect to DTC via this model: the primary local regulator of the foreign participant must have entered into a memorandum of understanding with the US SEC, and must have agreed that the link protocol may be adjusted, if necessary, in accordance with changes in relevant US laws and regulations.

  3. Clearstream Banking Luxembourg (CBL), a subsidiary of Clearstream International S.A., is responsible for securities custody in Luxembourg while Clearstream Banking Frankfurt is responsible for securities custody in Germany. CBL also acts as an ICSD for international securities custody.

  4. Global custodians often provide liquidity to their customers to mitigate the settlement risk arising out of failure in securities delivery or delay in payment. These services usually involve temporary debiting or crediting the customer’s cash account. However, the liquidity line provided by global custodians to customers may vary under different circumstances. If customers are not notified in time in advance, they may face huge liquidity risks in operation. In addition, if customers misunderstand the temporary nature of these credits, they may underestimate their credit risks to counterparties and issuers.

  5. According to the Notice on Issues Concerning the Pilot Program on Investment in the Interbank Bond Market with RMB Funds by Three Types of Institutions Including Overseas RMB Clearing Banks published by the People’s Bank of China in 2010, overseas central banks and RMB clearing banks in Hong Kong and Macao “can directly apply to CCDC for opening bond accounts and to the National Interbank Funding Center for handling bond trading procedures on line”, though there are actually few clearing banks using this model in practice.

  6. Please refer to the IMF’s assessment of observance of the PFMI by CBL in 2017. Available at https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/2017/08/28/Luxembourg-Financial-Sector-Assessment-Program-Detailed-Assessment-of-Observance-Assessment-45209. (Accessed in December 2021).

  7. The Uniform Commercial Code stipulates a series of matters in connection with which the PRIMA is the applicable law: (1) the securities rights obtained from the securities intermediary; (2) the rights and obligations of securities intermediaries and rights owners accrued based on securities rights; (3) judgement whether securities intermediaries are under obligation to the obligees filing adverse claims to the securities rights; and (4) judgement whether an adverse claim can be filed against a person who obtains the securities rights from a securities intermediary or acquires the securities rights or interests in the securities rights from a right owner.

  8. Article 531 of the Interpretations of the Supreme People’s Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China: the parties to a foreign-related contract or other property right dispute may, by written agreement, choose the jurisdiction of the foreign court in the place where it is actually related to the dispute such as the defendant’s domicile, place of contract performance, place of contract signing, the plaintiff’s domicile, the location of subject matter or place of tort.

  9. Please refer to Articles 39, 41 and 44 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Application of Laws to Foreign-Related Civil Relations. 


  [1] International Institute for the Unification of Private Law. UNIDROIT Legislative Guide on Intermediated Securities - Implementing the Principles and Rules of the Geneva Securities Convention [S]. 2019.

  [2] Yan Yanming, Ma Junqing. Improvement of the Settlement System of China’s Securities Market through “Settlement” from an International Perspective [J]. Modern Bankers, 2021(8):3.

  [3] Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, the Bank for International Settlements and the Technical Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions. Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (Translated by the Payment and Settlement Department of the People’s Bank of China) [M]. Beijing: China Financial Publishing House, 2013.

  [4] CCDC. Bond Custody and Settlement Business (Fifth Revised Edition) [M]. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2016.

  This article was first published on Bond Monthly (Jan.2022).Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.

  ◇ Authors from: R&D Department, 

  CCDC Shanghai Headquarters

  ◇ Editors in charge: Liu Ying, Yin Ying



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