深圳新闻网2024年11月5日讯(记者 杨佳慧 阎思远)近日,2024深圳全球创新人才大会在深圳福田会展中心举行,“硅谷创投教父”、《福布斯》杂志排名第一创业孵化器Founders Space创始人史蒂芬霍夫曼先生接受深圳新闻网记者专访。就品牌故事形象,中国市场变化等问题进行回答,深圳企业如何迎接时代机遇转危为安?听听史蒂夫霍夫曼怎么说。
If you have to summarize the key elements of a successful business in three words, what would they be? Three words.
Steve Hoffman:创新、进取和价值。innovative,aggressive, and value.
Narrative has become a rare strategy in marketing today. So how should entrepreneurs effectively tell their brand stories?
Steve Hoffman:当你讲述品牌故事时,你必须知道你的客户是谁,必须知道客户关心的是什么。因此,每个故事都必须触动客户的心,而不仅仅是他们的头脑。我们都知道这些产品是相似的。
When you tell a brand story, you have to know who your customer is, you have to know what your customer cares about. So every story has to speak to your customer's heart, not just their head. We all know these products are similar.
记者:讲述真实的故事。Tell the true story.
Steve Hoffman:讲述真实的故事,拥有公司的价值观并付诸实践。他们会购买那些产品。因此,在当今世界上,成功的品牌,尤其是在中国的年轻人中,特别是在西方和欧洲的人们,真的要关注整个社会。他们超越产品或服务,看向社会的发展方向。社会在向哪里走?他们的客户心理如何变化?他们的需求和自我认同,即他们相信自己是谁,这一切又是如何变化的?然后他们利用这些因素来提升品牌形象并定位产品。
Tell the true story, have values in their company and act on those values. And they will buy those products ,so successful brands in today's world, especially for young people in China, especially for people in the west, in Europe, really look at society as a whole. They look beyond their product or service. And they tie into the movement of society. Where is society going? How is the psychology of their customers changing? How are their needs and their identity, their self identity, who they believe they are, how is that changing? And then they use that to build their brand up and position their products.
So what is the biggest changing you think between the period, when like the 2 years ago, and now.
Steve Hoffman:市场一直在变化。所以现在,中国消费者的购买量在减少,你会看到一个循环,消费者的购买量下降,企业降低价格,开始在价格上竞争。当你在价格上竞争时,增长是非常非常困难的,因为每个人都在削减成本,而不是投资于增长、扩展和创新。这是过去两年间的重大变化。
Markets are changing all the time.So rightnow consumers in China are buying less. You see the cycle where consumers are buying less, and companies are lowering prices, and they are competing on price. When you compete on price, it's very, very difficult to grow, because everybody's cutting costs instead of investing and growing, investing in expanding, investing in innovation. So that is a big change over the past 2 years.
What we hope to see in the coming year is a reversal of that where companies are are changing directions. And they're saying, instead of competing on price and cutting our margins to get more customers, we're going to invest in creating products that are more valuable that serve our customers better. And hopefully consumers will choose to buy those products.
记者:如何将Founder Space的资源结合起来,以适应不同文化市场的推广策略,更好地满足各国消费者的多样化需求?特别是对于深圳的科技公司来说。
How can the resources of founder space be combined to adapt promotional strategies in different cultural markets meeting the diverse needs of consumers in various countries is better? Actually, for the tech companies in Shenzhen.
Steve Hoffman:我们帮助很多深圳及全国的公司深入理解商业战略和创新。那么,他们如何利用这些新技术,如人工智能,来转变他们的商业模式,如何接触客户,如何与客户沟通,如何营销产品,如何开发和研究新产品。这就是我们所教授的内容。我们会问,他们现在的市场在哪里?在两年、三年、五年后会在哪里?他们如何为这种类型的增长定位自己,包括国内市场和海外市场。
We help a lot of companies in Shenzhen and all around China to understand deeper business strategy and innovation. So how do they need to utilize these new technologies like artificial Intelligence to transform how they do their business, how they reach their customers, how they communicate with their customers, how they market their products, how they develop and research new products. This is what we teach and we say, where is your market now? And where will it be? In 2 years, 3 years, 5 years. How do you position yourself for that type of growth both domestically as well as overseas.
As a tech brand, how can effective social network interactions help establish a trustworthy brand image?
Steve Hoffman:社交媒体是一种与传统媒体、电视广播和印刷媒体截然不同的媒介。
Social media is a very, very different medium than traditional media than television broadcast than than print media.
What we are seeing is that personality matters on social media. People aren't necessarily following brands, as much as they're following influences, people who speak to them, people have a personality, people feel authentic, people who are their emotions connect with them, brands need to rethink how they market. So it's one thing to put up an advertisement. It's another thing to build a relationship on social media, relationships on social media. The most powerful ones are human to human. So how do brands, leverage talent to actually grow their brand and grow their brand image. This is a Challenge, because the talent themselves don't want to be seen as just selling the brand. They have to be authentic to their customers. And how they talk about the brand may not align with what the brand wants them to say. So they there is a point where social, where the brands need to select their talent very carefully, which influences truly represent the values and the vision of the brand.
how to define it own talent?
Steve Hoffman:这就是为品牌实际工作的人才。他们不是独立的,而是公司的员工,同时具备在社交媒体上有效沟通的能力,并且看起来真实、真实到足以让人们愿意关注他们,倾听他们所说的话。
It’s talent that actually works for the brand. They are not independent, they are employees of the company who also have the ability to communicate on social media effectively and seem authentic and real enough that people will actually want to follow them and pay attention to what they're saying.
And this is a Challenge for every brand, because the best social media talent is not necessarily, they don't necessarily want to work for a big company. They prefer to be independent. So brands need to balance the type of content they put out there. Some of it can be done through storytelling. Really a good storytelling. How can your brand create stories around its products that are really meaningful on social media short stories, right? That really impact there and draw in their users and make a connection to that brand. Over and over, you can't do it once, right? You have to continually do it 2047 for long periods of time to build this.
With the growing demand for female oriented products, based on the Founder space incubation experience, how can products be improved through user feedback to meet the coordinate of consumers, especially female consumers?
Steve Hoffman:这是个好问题。女性消费者在社交媒体上花费大量时间,喜欢表达自己的观点,是的。她们会对彼此和群体进行传播,品牌,她们更喜欢互动。
This is a good question。So female consumers are spending lots of time on social media, female consumers like to express their opinions, yeah. To each other, to groups. They broadcast them, brands,
Males might just watch, but they don't interact, the females want to express themselves. So brands need to give them a way to express themselves positively about the products to share their experience with the products, with other females, in their own voice, and to empower the female voice and female opinions on social media.
So what the future of this is how does a brand with their products create a dialogue around their product and open a honest dialogue. So that if their customers have a problem with their product, they can actually express that. And the company can respond in a way that's positive. Now, what we found is that if a company tries to delete all the negative opinions or all the feedback that they don't like, then they end up making their customers angry. They don't help. They actually make them angry. What we found is that the best companies, the strongest brands in the world, the strongest product companies are continually talking to their customers, continually getting feedback in and actually changing their products based on this feedback. And using the feedback to develop new products. Because really the future your customers are your future, your customers will tell you what they aren't getting and what they want from your company.
Steve Hoffman:这对许多公司来说是一个巨大的资源,但他们并没有利用起来。他们几乎害怕自己的客户,担心客户可能会批评他们,担心客户可能会传播有关他们的负面信息。这是错误的。不要害怕。事实上,每当有人批评你,这都是你介入并与他们交谈的机会。大多数客户在你真正与他们互动时,他们会感到感激。因为许多批评你产品的人,实际上希望你的产品变得更好,他们真正关心你的产品。如果你能让他们参与进来,告诉他们,“来帮我们改善这个产品”,他们会感到被赋权。
So this is a huge resource that many companies don't take advantage of. They are almost afraid of their customers. They're afraid their customers may criticize them, they're afraid their customers may spread bad Information about them. That is incorrect. Don't be afraid. In fact, every time they somebody criticizes you, it's an opportunity for you to step in and actually talk to them. And most customers when you actually engage them, they will end up being thankful. Because of many of the people who criticize your products, they want your product to be better. They actually are the ones who care the most about your products. And if you can actually engage them and say, look, come and help us make this product better, they feel empowered.
And then they change from a critic to your biggest supporters. So your biggest critics can become your biggest supporters if how to interact with them. And this is something many companies need to learn. And then the same super fans of your product can help you develop the next generation of product and keep ahead of your competitors.
In this global economic environment, what should startups to do to turn crisis into opportunities?
Steve Hoffman:我想说,在每一次重大的危机中,往往会有更大的机会,对吧?但是每当公司遇到问题时,他们就需要新的解决方案。如果你是一家公司,发现这是个问题,那么我就是要找出解决方案的人。我鼓励企业家去各类企业,无论是酒店业,金融行业,还是工厂,去这些企业看看他们现在在哪里受苦?他们在哪里有痛点?他们需要什么,而你又能解决哪些问题?因为如果你能解决这些问题,大家都有钱。如果你能解决他们的问题,他们就会有资金。人们常说公司没有足够的钱,其实是因为他们对某些事情并不关心。
I’d like to say, in every time of great crisis, there are even greater opportunities, right? whenever companies run into problems, they need new solutions. If you're a company saying this is a problem, then I'm going to be the one to figure out how to solve it. I encourage entrepreneurs go to businesses, whatever area. It could be the hospitality business. It could be the financial sector. It could be running factories, go to these businesses and find out right now, where are they suffering? Where are they in pain? What do they need from you that where can you solve any of these problems? Because if you can solve these problems, everybody has money. They have the money if you can solve their problem. People say companies don't have enough money, they don't have enough money for something that they don't care about.
But if something really matters to them, they will find the money. Because they know that is what they need to survive and grow. So you need, so there may be economic times that are difficult, but even in those times, some of the best and most powerful companies, they're born very small, but they suddenly realize there's an opportunity there and they take it. When there isn't as much capital, you don't have as much competition. You can actually, in a time where there isn't as much capital, you can grow on your own, then when the capital starts to flow back. And these things, you are in a great position.
So you think the key is to find a correct market?
Steve Hoffman:是的。我始终相信你应该从有问题的客户开始。首先了解客户,深入了解他们的痛苦点,他们现在需要什么来让他们的业务更盈利,帮助他们生存和发展?
yes. I always believe you should start with customers who have problems. So you begin with the customer and you go deep with those customers, where are they suffering? What do they need now to get their business, to get make their business more profitable to help their business survive, to help their business grow?
Then you go in, you focus on these specific high value problems, the most important problems to them and use the new technology, artificial Intelligence, any all the different new technologies that are emerging now to help them solve these problems in new ways. And these are the opportunities.
So instead of saying it's difficult time, I can't do anything, say it's a difficult time. There's so many people need my help. I better do something. And if I don't do it, who will do it? And if you do it and you do it right, you will grow.
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