干货分享:一文解读《GRI 11:石油与天然气行业标准》

干货分享:一文解读《GRI 11:石油与天然气行业标准》
2021年10月28日 10:47 市场资讯


  *声明:目前官方GRI《通用准则 (2021修订版)》与《GRI 11:石油与天然气行业标准(2021版)》均为英文版本。以下中文译文均为ESG Academy自行翻译,并非GRI标准官方译文。本文仅作参考,不具备披露指引价值。原创文章未经许可,不得转载。

  《GRI 11: Oil & Gas Sector》简介

  10月5日,全球报告倡议组织(GRI)发布了修订后的《通用标准(2021版)》和全新的石油和天然气行业标准《GRI 11:石油与天然气行业标准(2021版)》(以下简称《GRI 11》)。

  有关此次更新的具体内容,详见往期文章:Vol.10|GRI: 2021版最新通用准则&行业标准简介

  《GRI 11》为所有石油和天然气公司设定了最关键的22个可持续发展主题的明确报告和披露指引。此行业标准旨在配合《通用准则(2021修订版)》和《专题标准》使用,该标准将确保期待获取和使用可持续发展数据的用户—包括投资者、政府、民间社会、评级机构和学术界能够获取石油和天然气公司更具可比性、一致性和全面性的报告。

  本文将简要解读《GRI 11》使用原则及注意事项。《GRI 11》为GRI发布的第一系列,除此之外,GRI将陆续发布共计40个行业标准中的其余39个。

  The updated Universal Standard and the new Oil and Gas Sector Standard released by GRI on October 5, 2020, represented the most up-to-date and comprehensive guidance on the sustainability topics which are likely to be material for organizations in the sector so is relevant for audiences in business, finance and policy.

  The Standard sets clear reporting expectations across the most critical sustainability topics for all oil and gas companies. The Standard defines topics span climatechange, health andsafety, land rights forindigenous peoples,management of waterand waste, impacts onbiodiversity, corruption,payments to governments– and more. (GRI, 2021)

  The Standard will ensure that users of sustainability data - including investors, governments, civil society, rating agencies and academia – can access comparable, comprehensive and decision-useful reporting by oil and gas companies. (GRI, 2021)

  GRI 11 is the first Sector Standard published by GRI – there are 39 more to come.  This article provides a quick guide and FAQs on how to use the GRI 11.

  《GRI 11》适用于什么类型的公司?

  Organisations GRI 11 Applied to?

  《GRI 11》 适用于从事以下经营活动的组织:

  • 陆上和海上石油和天然气的勘探和生产

  • 向油田和海上平台(如钻井)提供设备和服务

  • 石油和天然气的运输和储存

  • 将石油精炼成石油产品

  GRI将发布其它相关行业的标准细则,如煤炭、石化制造和能源公用事业。“本标准适用于的行业”的完整描述详见《GRI 11》准则第 5 页。

  GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 applies to organisations undertaking oil and gas exploration, production, storage, transportation, and refining. It includes organisations that supply equipment and services to oil fields and offshore platforms, such as drilling. Different Standards will cover related sectors, such as petrochemical manufacturing and energy utilities. The full description of the ‘Sector this Standard applies to’ can be found on page 5 of GRI 11. (GRI, 2021)

  若按照《GRI 11》进行披露,还需要遵循其它GRI准则吗?

  GRI Standard Modular System


*图片来源:GRI 2021*图片来源:GRI 2021


  《通用标准(2021版)》适用于所有报告组织,载有所有组织必须遵守的报告要求和报告原则。它涵盖以下三个维度:GRI 1:基础;GRI 2:一般披露;GRI 3:实质性议题。


  《GRI 11》行业标准概述了可能对石油和天然气组织具有重大意义的主题/议题,并列出了与该专题相关的披露指引。这些披露依据来源于《专题标准》,或在某些情况下,基于其它来源,例如:SASB。



  *注:《GRI 11》将于2023年1月1日起正式生效,若报告组织选择使用《GRI 11》作为行业指引,将需要同步使用《通用准则(2021版)》作为实质性议题的选择标准和信息披露。

  例如,石油和天然气行业组织在报告温室气体排放时,需要遵循《GRI 11》中的11.1专题指引,依照《通用准则(2021版)》GRI 3: 实质性议题的要求进行温室气体排放管理体系和管控行动的篇章撰写和报告,并根据专题标准《GRI 302:能源》和 《GRI 305:排放》进行进一步信息披露。

*图片来源:GRI 2021*图片来源:GRI 2021

  An oil and gas organisation reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards will use all three series in their reporting.

  The Universal Standards 2021 apply to all organisations and comprise three Standards: GRI 1: Foundation 2021, GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021, and GRI 3: Material Topics 2021. The Universal Standards guide reporters on how to report with the GRI Standards, and they contain requirements and reporting principles that all organisations must comply with to report in accordance with the GRI Standards. (GRI, 2021)

  GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021 outlines the topics that are likely to be material for oil and gas organisations and lists disclosures relevant to the topic. These disclosures come from the GRI Topic Standards, or in some cases, based on other sources. When a disclosure from a Topic Standard is listed, the organisation needs to go to the relevant Topic Standard for the content of the disclosure, including requirements, recommendations, and guidance. (GRI, 2021)

  《GRI 11》定义的经营活动指哪些?

  GRI 11 Defines Oil & Gas Sector Activities

  以下是石油和天然气行业中主要的上下游经营活动,及相关项目生命周期阶段。若企业/组织的经营活动中包涵以下行为,则需要参考《GRI 11》行业标准进行实质性议题披露。

  The following describes upstream and downstream oil and gas activities and related project lifecycle phases.


  Exploration: Surveying of resources, which can include aerial surveys, seismic testing, and exploratory drilling.


  Development: Design, planning, and construction of oil and gas fields, including processing and worker facilities.


  Production: Production of oil and gas from reservoirs offshore or onshore, and separation of fluids through processing.


  Mining oil sands: Extraction of bitumen from oil sands using surface mining or in-situ techniques.


  Decommissioning and rehabilitation: Dismantling, removal, disposal, or modification of a physical asset and site rehabilitation.


  Refining: Refining of oil into petroleum products for use as fuels and as feedstocks for chemicals.


  Processing: Processing of gas into pipe-quality natural gas and natural gas liquids, including removing hydrocarbons and fluids.


  Transport: Marine and land transportation of oil and gas products.


  Storage and pipelines: Distribution and storage of oil and gas in tanks and marine vessels and distribution via marine and land-based pipelines.


  Sales and marketing: Trading and customer sales of products, for example, transport fuels, gas for retail use, and inputs into lubricants, plastics, and chemicals manufacturing.

  《GRI 11》如何与SDGs适配?

  GRI 11 Sustainable Contents Aligned with UN SDGs

 《GRI 11》22个实质性议题  联合国可持续发展目标

1. 气候变化与能源

Climate Change & Energy

11.1 GHG emissions

11.2 Climate adaptation, resilience and transition

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 13: Climate Action

2. 环境与生物多样性

Environment & Biodiversity

11.3 Air emissions

11.4 Biodiversity

11.5 Waste

11.6 Water and effluents

11.7 Closure and rehabilitation


SDG 14: Life Below Water 

SDG 15: Life on Land


SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

3. 健康与安全

Health and Safety

11.8 Asset integrity and critical incident management

11.9 Occupational health and safety

SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

4. 就业


11.10 Employment practices

11.11 Non-discrimination and equal opportunity

11.12 Forced labor and modern slavery

11.13 Freedom of association and collective bargaining


SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth


SDG 1: No poverty

SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

5. 社区


11.14 Economic impacts

11.15 Local communities

11.16 Land and resource rights

11.17 Rights of indigenous peoples

11.18 Conflicts and security


SDG 1: No Poverty 

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.


SDG 2: Zero Hunger

SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being

SDG 5: Gender Equality

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution

6. 公开透明和治理

Transparency and Governance

11.19 Anti-competitive behaviour

11.20 Anti-corruption

11.21 Payments to governments

11.22 Public policy

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

  《GRI 11》与SASB 的不同之处?

  How does GRI 11 Distinguish from SASB?

  GRI 标准和 SASB 标准是相辅相成的,它们都着力于实质性议题的相关披露和行业标准划分。《GRI 11》中列出的可能的实质性主题基于石油和天然气行业对经济、环境和人民(包括其人权)的重大影响。SASB 的行业特定标准确定了最有可能影响公司财务状况、运营绩效或风险状况的可持续发展相关风险和机会。

  基于以上不同的出发点,《GRI 11 》披露要求与 SASB 的相应标准不尽相同。例如,SASB只确定了温室气体直接排放(范围1)是与参与勘探、生产、中游、炼油和营销经营行为的石油和天然气企业有关,但《GRI 11》明确了间接排放(范围2)和其他间接排放(范围3)也与石油和天然气行业相关联,并要求此行业组织进行温室气体排放信息披露。

  石油和天然气行业组织可以同时使用这两个标准来报告其可持续性影响。同时,GRI 和 SASB 发布了联合指南,即同时使用 GRI 和 SASB 标准进行可持续性报告的实际指南,进一步探索了将这两套标准结合在一起以满足更多组织的可持续发展报告需求。

  The GRI Standards and SASB Standards are complementary because of the approaches they take to materiality. The likely material topics listed in GRI 11 are based on the significant impacts the oil and gas sector has on the economy, the environment, and people, including their human rights. SASB’s industry-specific standards identify the sustainability-related risks and opportunities most likely to affect a company’s financial condition, operating performance, or risk profile. (GRI, 2021)

  Because of these different perspectives, GRI 11 identifies different disclosures than SASB’s corresponding standards. For example, while SASB identifies reporting on direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions as relevant for oil and gas organizations in exploration, production, midstream, refining Page 5 of 5 and marketing, GRI 11 also lists indirect (Scope 2) and other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions as relevant for the reporting by the oil and gas sector. (GRI, 2021)

  Oil and gas organisations can use both standards simultaneously to report their sustainability impacts. GRI and SASB published joint guidance, A Practical Guide to Sustainability Reporting Using GRI and SASB Standards, which further explores experiences of companies that use the two sets of standards together to fulfil their reporting needs. (GRI, 2021)

  ESG Academy 结语

  《GRI 11:石油与天然气行业标准(2021版)》适用于任何参与石油和天然气勘探、生产、储存、运输或炼油的组织,包括那些向油田和海上平台提供设备和服务的组织。该标准成为油气公司明确行业内最具影响力的可持续发展因子和议题,范围从气候变化、环境和生物多样性、健康和安全、就业和治理6个维度展开讨论。它为油气行业组织披露当今复杂环境下运营的各方面影响提供了清晰的披露指引,并为该行业组织如何应对气候变化、向低碳未来过渡延展了思路。




  [1] GRI Resource Centre: https://www.globalreporting.org/how-to-use-the-gri-standards/resource-center/

  [2] GRI 2021, ‘Oil and Gas Sector Standard Leaflet’, https://www.globalreporting.org/media/0e3nzjr5/oil-gas-sector-standard-leaflet.pdf

  [3] GRI 2021, ‘Oil and Gas Sector Standard’, https://www.globalreporting.org/standards/standards-development/sector-standard-project-for-oil-and-gas/

  [4] 联合国可持续发展目标官方网站:https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/zh/

  作者:Vancy Wen





  (ESG Academy)












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