宝洁公司对国内媒体转载美国FDA通知的说明 | |||||||||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年03月25日 14:32 新浪财经 | |||||||||
新浪财经讯 3月25日,宝洁公司致信新浪财经,对于近期国内媒体有关美国FDA警告化妆品厂商一事的报道做以说明,全文如下: 美国FDA的通知(Notice)是对全行业的一次法规重申,并没有对任何公司进行警告的意思。美国化妆品、盥洗用品和香料协会(The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association, 简称CTFA)已就伦敦《泰晤士报》的报道做出了澄清,表示原文的作者并没有和CTFA确 对于国内对该文章的转载,宝洁公司希望进一步说明如下: 1.无论是在中国、美国或是全球其他市场,宝洁公司的产品都是安全的,符合各国的法律法规要求。 2. 根据美国的法规,化妆品在上市前应当经过专业人士(毒理专家)的研究和评估,以确保产品是安全的。如果一个产品未经安全评估,则必须在产品标签上注明“注意-产品的安全性未经证实”的字样。宝洁公司在美国销售的全部产品,包括SK-II在内,都通过了安全评估,因此无须在包装上有相关警示标识。 3. 原文中称“美国官方警告宝洁等必须注明产品未经安全鉴定”也是误导性的。FDA并没有警告的意思,而“必须注明产品未经安全鉴定”的论断则缺少了如果“某一产品未经安全评估”的重要前提。 附CTFA的澄清原文: LETTER TO THE EDITOR, U.S. COSMETICS ARE SAFE, INDUSTRY WELCOMES FDA ACTION Dear Editor re: "Cosmetics firms fear crackdown on safety of products," London Times, March 22, 2005 You are misleading your readers by positioning the recent US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) letter to the US cosmetics industry as a "crackdown." The US cosmetics industry works closely with FDA to ensure the safety of cosmetics in the United States, including the Agency's participation in review of cosmetic ingredients by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel and decisions about the priority for the safety review of various cosmetic ingredients. The recent letter by FDA is a public statement of the role FDA has always played in this process and its enforcement powers over the safety of cosmetics. The industry expressed its support for FDA’s recent action, as well as for the continued strong role of FDA as the "cop on the block." (Full CTFA position statement is attached). Your article misinterpreted the opinion and position of our industry by ignoring the fact that we fully support FDA. The bottom line: American consumers can be sure that their cosmetics are safe. Cosmetic companies are committed to providing only the highest quality, safest personal care products possible. For more information, please visit www.ctfa.org. Ed Kavanaugh President & CEO Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Washington DC, United States of America