[美国金属]http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月19日 11:20 文华财经
DJ US Aluminum: Midwest Premium Kept In Check By Backwardation
The U.S. Midwest prompt aluminum premium over London Metal Exchange cash prices is being held back by backwardation, traders said.
The premium mainly has been around 3.5 to 4 cents a pound in recent days, according to one trader. However, another pointed out, there can be a big variation in premiums, depending on the delivery date.
A trader suggested the bulk of the activity has been closer to the lower end of the current range - around 3.5 cents.
"The market has been mostly focusing on this backwardation that has been going on, taking a little bit of the focus away from the physical market," said the trader.
Backwardation tends to push the premium lower, the trader explained.
"People don't want to carry metal. If they're carrying anything, they want to sell it so they can offset their hedge."
Another trader also described backwardation as the main feature, explaining that traders don't want to finance metal, thus are trying to get rid of inventory.
"Where the premium is today is anybody's guess," he said. "I've heard of so little consumer business this week."
When selling forward to perhaps March, it may be possible to get a premium of 3.75 cents, he said. But it would be less for January business, he continued.
LME cash aluminum was officially quoted at $2,779 to $2,780 per metric ton Wednesday, or about $1.2603 to $1.2608 per pound.
Inventories of aluminum stored in LME warehouses rose 12,625 metric tons to 714,025 from Tuesday to Wednesday. The total is up from 694,475 on Friday. 新浪声明:本版文章内容纯属作者个人观点,仅供投资者参考,并不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。
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