
2014年04月16日 16:33  新浪财经 微博 收藏本文     








  Company Profile

  China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited,(formerly China Eastern Airlines established in 1988), was founded in April1995 with the headquarters located in the open and fashional cosmopolitan city ofShanghai. Asone of the three major Airlines in Mainland China, it operates 44 overseasoffices and 11 domestic branches. Moreover, it holds controlling shares of 20 subsidiariesincluding China Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd, the largest cargo airlines in China. In 1997,China Eastern was listed simultaneously in New York,Hong Kong and Shanghaistock market。

  Flying a fleet of 355 wide and narrow-body aircraftswith an average age of less than seven years, China Eastern serves about 70million travelers annually and ranks among the world’s top 10 airlines inpassenger transportation volume. Taking Shanghaias the main hub, it serves 182 destinations and operates a world-wide flight networkcovering China, connectingAsia, Europe, America and Oceania. In the future, China Eastern’s flight networkwill be extended to more than 900 cities in 169 countries via the closecooperation with SkyTeam member airlines。

  Following the concept of “providing heart-to-heartservice to our worshipful customers”, China Eastern has been striving to becomea superexcellent enterprise that “be cherished by the staffs, be preferred bythe customers, be satisfied by the shareholders and be trusted by the societies”.China Eastern has successively been rewarded the “Annual Laureate Award” and “10-YearCordial Service Award” by IATA as well as the “Five-Star Diamond Award” byAmerican Academy of Hospitality Sciences. In recentyears, China Eastern has been rewarded the golden prize for 6 times in China’scustomer satisfaction surveys and takes a leading position in terms of flight safetyand on-time performance among Chinese Civil Aviation Industry。

  “Bringyou the World, China Eastern is flying with you”. China Eastern will createexcellent travel experiences for customers with an “accurate, delicate and precise”service quality。  ; Customer service line:+86(95530)

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