
Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum(7)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月07日 18:55  新浪财经

  •Time interval and optimal asset allocations: The case of Hong Kong

  CHEN Rui,LIU Si,Hong Kong University

  •Estimations for risk premium by APT model

  Shi Xiuhong, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics,

  Section II:: Economic Conditions and Policies, Financial Crisis

  Venue: Academic Hall, Third Floor, Zhongcai Building, CUFE

  Topic Three: Economic Conditions and Policies(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)



  •Professor Jin Zhesong, Doctoral Advisor, Department of International Trade and Economics, School of Finance, CUFE


  •The Stakes of China in the Global Economic Debacle:Less to Lose, More to Gain

  Kwangbong Lee、Zou Zhixia, Inje University

  •A Study of Monetary Policy Conducting in the Open Economy in Transitional China

  BIAN Zhi-cun, Institute of Finance & Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, School of Business, Nanjing Normal University; LI Hua-wei, School of Business, Nanjing Normal University,China

  •Total Fctor Productivity and Economic Growth in Macao

  Zhuo Shuaihe, Zhe Dongdong, University of Macau

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