
Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum(4)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月07日 18:55  新浪财经

  •Dr. Huang Haizhou, Chief Strategist, China International Capital Corporation

  •Dr. Huang Yiping, Chief Economist of Asia-Pacific region, Citigroup

  •Dr. Ulrich Volz, Senior Fellow, German Development Institute

  •Professor Zhang Liqing, Dean, School of Finance, CUFEQ & A

  Q & A

  Morning, November 10th, 2008


  Section I: Banking, Capital Market Reform and Financial Development

  Venue: Academic Hall, Second Floor, Zhongcai Building, CUFE,

  Topic One: Banking Reform and Financial Development(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)



  •Professor Li Jianjun, Assistant Dean, School of Finance, CUFE


  •The Dual Structure and the Path Option of Chinese Financial System Change: a New Institutional Economics Perspective

  Mei Liang-Guo, Zhang Yong-Xu,Center for Studies of China Western Economic Development, Northwest University,China

  •Economic Performance of Dualistic Financial Structure Development in Rural Areas

  Chen Shingxing,Economical Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee Party School,China

  •The Effect of Foreign Strategic investor on the Corporate Governance and Performance of Listed Chinese banks

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