
Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum(5)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月07日 18:55  新浪财经

  Liu Yi,Xu Yong,School of Finance,Hunan University,China

  •A statistical analyze on the transmission mechanism of credit investment in Chinese commercial banks

  DENG Qi-zhong,Management of school,Hunan University of Science and Technology;ZOU Xin-yue,Economics and Management School ,Wuhan University,China

  •Urban Banks’Development, Challenge and Future

  Zhang Jiguang, Strategy Department of Shanghai Bank

  •The Empirical Test on Reform Effect of Chinese State-owned Commercial Banks

  Li Xiyi, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Development

  •Issues on China's Non-Performing Asset Securitization Market Environment

  Ma Lijuan, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics,China

  •Empirical Study on Impact of International Capital Flows on China's Economic Stability:

  Zhang Biqiong, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics,China

  •The Change of Global Financial Structure and the Strategy Analysis of China

  Xiu jing, China Youth University for Political Sciences

  10:00-10:10 Tea Break

  Topic Two: Capital Market Reform and Development(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)

【 新浪财经吧 】
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