

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:23 新浪财经

  condition of the trees to their convenience.

  7. The expense for each tree is US$ 4,500.


  1. 报名认植“企业林”的单位必须是在中华人民共和国注册的外国机构或企业

  2. “企业林”树种为毛白杨、柳树、桧柏、油松、银杏、枫

  3. 主办方将在“企业林”区域永久立碑纪念,铭记所有参与“企业林”建设的在华外国机构和企业

  4. 将有专门人员负责“企业林”的培育和维护,并定期向认植机构企业提供书面情况通报

  5. 每年主办方可在适当的时间协助安排认植的机构、企业代表前往现场视察树林成长的情况

  6. “企业林”认植费用为6,800美元/亩

  Illustration of Registration for “Enterprise Woods”

  1. The participants for the “Enterprise Woods” planting activity should be international institutions and

  enterprises registered in People’s Republic of China.

  2. Trees in “Enterprise Woods” will be among the types of Chinese white poplars, willows, cypresses,

  Chinese pines, ginkgos and maples.

  3. A monument will be built in memory of all the international institutions and enterprises participating in

  the “Enterprise Woods” planting activity.

  4. The woods will be under cultivation and maintenance of certified staff, and timely report will be submitted

  to the registered organizations.

  5. Every year the organizers can arrange visits of the enterprise representatives to the woods in order to

  check the growth conditions of the trees.

  6. The registration fee for the “Enterprise Woods” is US$ 6,800 per mu (1 mu = 0.165 acre).

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