

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:18 新浪财经



  The News & Information Center of People’s Daily

  The news & information center of the People’ Daily, with an independent legal entity, belongs to the People’ Daily. His major missions focus on the construction and development of cultural industries work. Mr. Jiang Xiusheng is the director of the news & information Center. The news & information Center includes 8 departments, that is the information department, the publications department,the Wenyi department, the Planning department, the training department, the exhibition department, office and the financial office.

  Developing and strengthening the People’ Daily’s cultural industry is our strategic orientation and exploration and innovation is our development thinking. With diversified development pattern, our center has initially formed four paralleling industries: information services, journals publishing, education & training and project management. And it has began reflect the brand effect of the People’ Daily’s cultural industry.

  Our centre adhere to the "1234" development strategy, namely the general direction of a cultural industry, the classification of two kinds of business management (a newspaper editor is internal business services, such as a database, a category is external to the operation of work), three development platform (network database, periodicals, training) and four main business fields (the exhibition, publication, cultural exchange, and cultural products business, etc.), the business were rapid, balanced development, and gradually create the cultural originality industries platform of news & information center.

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