Dear leaders, teachers, and fellow students:
As spring returns to the earth, all things flourish anew, marking the season brimming with vitality and hope. In this delightful time, we have ushered in the Month of Civilized Manners and English Events. This is an ideal opportunity for us to enhance our self-discipline and showcase our youthfulness. Here, we extend an invitation to all our fellow students to:
During the Month of Civilization and Politeness, let us start with small deeds and interpret the essence of civilization through concrete actions.
Arrive at school punctually, comport yourself with grace and decorum when entering or exiting the premises, dress neatly, and maintain an air of composure. Greet teachers and visitors upon their arrival.
Maintain hygiene. Do not spit on the ground or litter with items such as paper scraps or plastic bags. Take care of public property, observe public morality, and consistently organize your own belongings. Participate in campus activities in a civilized and orderly manner. Actively practice the "Clean Your Plate" campaign, advocate for frugality, dine in a civilized way, and strive to build a resource-conserving campus.
Thirdly, use civilized language and communicate kindly. Do not use foul language, either inside or outside the campus, avoid using uncivilized internet slang, do not give others nicknames, and do not post false or inappropriate comments online to vent personal anger or stir up trouble.
4. Civilized interaction, eliminating campus bullying. Unite with classmates, be friendly, handle conflicts scientifically, and eliminate extreme behaviors that harm oneself or others. When encountering bullying behavior, provide timely feedback to teachers or report to the police. Everyone contributes to building a safe campus.
Abide by classroom discipline and consciously maintain classroom order. Engage in healthy and positive activities during breaks, and avoid unsafe and uncivilized behaviors such as chasing and playing in classrooms, staircases, and other areas, making loud noises, and trampling on lawns. Pay attention to personal conduct and cultivate a harmonious campus environment.
Adhere to the evening self-study and dormitory management regulations, follow a scientific daily routine, eliminate unhealthy lifestyle habits, and ensure physical and mental well-being.
The English Activity Month provides us with a broad platform to exercise our English abilities and experience the charm of the English language. Every morning, we read English texts loudly,
allowing the cheerful reading to awaken the vitality of the campus. We actively participate in English dubbing activities, bravely speaking up to overcome shyness and nervousness; we also enthusiastically join English singing competitions, English short play performances, and more, fully showcasing our English proficiency and talents.
Dear students, civility and politeness are the cornerstones of our growth, and English proficiency is the bridge to the world. Let us actively participate in the Civility and Politeness Month and the English Activity Month, with full enthusiasm and high spirits, to shape a better version of ourselves and add a bright color to our campus!
原标题:西安锦园中学“以和为锦 礼润校园”文明礼貌月、英语活动月倡议书

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投资研报 扫码订阅
趋势领涨今天 11:40:36
今天小盘股下跌,跟查量化的关系有关,随后出现了辟谣,随后大盘开始了回升,小盘股全线拉升,重点是A收盘以后,港股继续拉升,富时A50上涨近1%,不出意外的话,明天小盘股应该要反弹了,但调整没有结束,因为每年3月份底都有一个小盘股杀跌的过程,主要原因就是年报暴雷! -
数字江恩今天 10:15:39
【3月限时vip活动】3月板块轮动加快,哪些赛道机会更好?数字江恩《股知道VIP》48小时VIP课程2元(原价8元),月课限时特价979元(原价1088元)。活动截止3月31日。 【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
数字江恩今天 10:15:14
细部结构来看,这里3439的下跌在5分钟图上算上今天只有2次将macd黄白线拉上零轴,也就是若要构造完整的底背离,明天依旧还可以震荡到下午。这里3439回踩a轮的空间也就这样了,从空间上来看就是等待b反弹,但从时间来看则a还可以有一点时间。明日变色等待,看震荡完毕后b反弹开始,还是直接站上红色轮谷线开始b反弹。【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
数字江恩今天 10:15:02
5分钟图来看,今天大盘虽然略微新低,但其实也是在3350区间10个点以内,正常范围。图上的走势依旧属于3439回踩的2-a结构正常的时间-空间范围。【更多独家重磅股市观点请点击】 -
数字江恩今天 10:14:47
今日指数分化较大,大盘、双创都略微收红,但是国政2000、微盘股指数、同花顺(sz300033)情绪指数明显下跌,这是个股涨跌比差的主要原因。板块上,就是高低切,高位板块补跌的较为积极,低位板块拉起的并不积极。 -
数字江恩今天 10:14:42
A股两市今日成交5867 + 8640 = 14507 亿人民币,基本维持平量运行。大盘震荡缓跌之后,尾盘快速拉升收红,收涨5个点。个股方面,红盘家数只是接近30%,大跌个股家数甚至略多于上周三。 -
数字江恩今天 10:14:36
3350区间构造反弹 -
宋谈股经今天 08:17:35
今日共49股涨停,连板股总数12只,24股封板未遂,封板率为67%(不含ST股、退市股)。焦点股方面,海洋王(sz002724)、雪龙集团(sh603949)双双上演“地天板”,深海机器人(sz300024)概念股邵阳液压(sz301079)20CM3连板。短线行情依旧低迷,全市场超30股跌停,其中襄阳轴承(sz000678)、国脉科技(sz002093)、福鞍股份(sh603315)、奇精机械(sh603677)等人气股2连跌停。 -
徐善武今天 07:24:17
今天暴力杀跌微盘股,低空经济机器人(sz300024)大跌,中证1000到了60日线支撑位,短线有个超跌反弹,盘后继续探底,做好应对。现在是低位补涨不过夜,高位补跌止不住!做什么都不赚钱。 恒生科技,今天强势震荡整理,没有大跌,但是已经跌破了30日线支撑,到了颈线支撑位,具体上午有分析,可观望一下。 中证白酒,到了半年线支撑位附近,macd绿柱初现,短线还有回调,观望。 医疗与生物医药,距离下方60日线比较近了,可观望也可以适当低吸布局。 光伏与新能源车,杀机暴露,涨的少跌幅大,观望。 半导体与科创50,目前到了60日线支撑位,不可再杀跌了,观望或者低吸。 通信设备与cpo,接近前期支撑位,观望。 计算机人工智能大数据云计算软件等,有点跌破60日线,有点接近60日线支撑,稳健的观望。 传媒与动漫游戏,马上到了60日线支撑位,稳健的观望。 中证军工,macd绿柱初现,还有下跌空间,不动。 低空经济与人形机器人(sz300024),没有止跌,今天出局有点晚,可等个反弹减仓。 -
巨丰投资张翠霞今天 07:09:10
4小时运行结束,总结全天市场运行,1)尾盘权重个股带动指数修复,红盘报收,微盘股重挫,3 月下旬是重要的过渡期,即将进入 4 月财报披露期,历史经验显示,在这一时期中小市值风格的胜率与超额收益均有所回落。市场投资者在财报季前往往会更加关注公司业绩的确定性,微盘股公司由于业绩稳定性相对较差,容易受到资金的抛售;2)量能,沪深两市今日成交额14744亿元,较上个交易日15797亿元减少1053亿元;3)行业板块方面,以加权涨幅来看56家行业13家红盘,旅游、银行、有色等板块涨幅居前;公共交通、通用机械、软件服务等板块跌幅居前;4)市场延续结构型行情,题材热点快速轮动。详细解盘,可关注《翠霞首席课》的“热点直击”和“操盘指南”~~~