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2015年11月29日 09:09  新浪财经 微博 收藏本文     

  若想毁灭一种文化,用不着焚书,想办法让人没有愿望去阅读有关这一文化的书就可以了。               ---By Ray Bradbury

  新浪美股讯 北京时间29日 以下书目是Ritholtz财富管理公司研究部主管Michael Batnick为我们精心挑选的40本自1923年以来最伟大的投资书籍:

  “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” — Edwin Lefevre, 1923

  “Security Analysis” — Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, 1934

  “Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?” — Fred Schwed Jr., 1940

  “The Intelligent Investor” — Benjamin Graham, 1949

  “The Great Crash, 1929” — John Kenneth Galbraith, 1954

  “Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits” — Philip A. Fisher, 1958

  “The Money Game” — George Goodman, 1967

  “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” — Burton Malkiel, 1973

  “Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises” — Charles Kindleberger, 1978

  “The Alchemy of Finance” — George Soros, 1987

  “Market Wizards” — Jack Schwager, 1989

  “Liar’s Poker” — Michael Lewis, 1989

  “101 Years on Wall Street, an Investor’s Almanac” — John Dennis Brown, 1991

  “Beating The Street” — Peter Lynch, 1993

  “Stocks for the Long Run” — Jeremy Siegel, 1994

  “What Works on Wall Street” — James O’Shaughnessy, 1997

  “The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America” — Lawrence Cunningham, 1997

  “Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk” — Peter Bernstein, 1998

  “Common Sense on Mutual Funds” — Jack Bogle, 1999

  “Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation” — Edward Chancellor, 1999

  “When Genius Failed” — Roger Lowenstein, 2000

  “One Up On Wall Street” — Peter Lynch, 2000

  “Fooled By Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets” — Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2001

  “Confessions of a Street Addict” — Jim Cramer, 2002

  “The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio” — William Bernstein, 2002

  “Winning the Loser’s Game” — Charles Ellis, 2002

  “Bull: A History of Boom and Bust 1982-2004” — Maggie Mahar, 2004

  “Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger” — Peter Kaufman, 2005

  “All About Asset Allocation” — Rick Ferri, 2006

  “Your Money and Your Brain” — Jason Zweig, 2007

  “Bailout Nation” — Barry Ritholtz, 2009

  “The Big Short” — Michael Lewis, 2010

  “The Quants” — Scott Patterson, 2010

  “More Money Than God” — Sebastian Mallaby, 2010

  “The Most Important Thing” — Howard Marks, 2011

  “Backstage Wall Street” — Josh Brown, 2012

  “Quantitative Value” — Wesley Gray, Tobias Carlisle, 2012

  “Millennial Money: How Young Investors Can Build a Fortune” — Patrick O’Shaughnessy, 2014

  “A Wealth of Common Sense: Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan” — Ben Carlson, 2015                                  (明煜)


文章关键词: 投资经典书籍The Intelligent InvestorOne Up On Wall Street



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