新浪财经讯 美东时间10月15日晚间(北京时间10月16日早间)消息,2006年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者埃德蒙-菲尔普斯对新浪财经表示,高兴看到诺委会授奖于经济学概念性和理论性的先锋之士,但担心稳定配置和市场设计实践理论无法代表当今经济学研究趋势。
"About the prize this year: Roth's work is relatively recent and I have not caught up with it. Shapley's work was done in the early 1950s. The "Shapley value" was considered basic at the time. But game theory has had rather little use in macroeconomics, labor economic and public economics. It is good to see the prize awarded for conceptual and theoretical advances. The problem is that the prevailing concepts and theories are still oriented toward rational expectations, economic equilibrium and economic efficiency. These concepts and theories are not meeting the need for a foundation suited to the dynamism and consequent originality and indeterminacy of the modern world. It is worrying that our most influential educational institutions are not nurturing and promoting modern thinking."
美国经济学家、哈佛大学教授埃尔文-罗斯(Alvin Roth)及加州大学洛杉矶分校教授劳埃德-沙普利(Lloyd Shapley)因稳定配置和市场设计实践理论获得今年诺贝尔经济学奖。"沙普利值"(又称之为“夏普里值”)是经济学合作博弈论的核心概念。
埃德蒙-菲尔普斯(Edmund S.Phelps)曾因其在宏观经济政策领域的跨期权衡分析获得2006年诺贝尔经济学奖,为现任哥伦比亚大学资本主义与社会研究中心主任、新华都商学院院长。(罗绮梅 发自纽约)