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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年04月24日 19:48 新浪财经




  软库投资银行 业务总裁

  中国人民大学 荣誉讲座教授

  香港证券专业学会 专业考核委员

  中国最大规模之有色金属生产商 独立董事

  著名金融专家及投资银行家,是从事大型国有企业境外上市重组及亚太区首批国际房地产信托基金 (REIT) 的权威专家。温天纳教授为软库投资银行业务总裁、中国人民大学 荣誉讲座教授、中国最大规模之有色金属生产商之独立董事及香港证券专业学会专业考核委员,在市场被称誉为“重组王”及“公司医生”,也是首批为国家国企改革出力的金融专家,其言论在业界极具影响力。并处理过众多不同性质的大型国际和中国企业上市、重组和改制等工作,亦曾主导三十多家国内外企业在香港及国内B股市场上市(融资和承销超过100亿美元)和超过百亿港元的债务重组。他于九十年代初于著名英国伦敦经济政治学院(London School of Economics & Political Science)毕业并取得国际会计金融学硕士学位,曾在多家著名跨国和亚洲区投资银行担任董事等高层职位。他领导之团队曾活跃于收购合并购、债务重组及企业拯救的工作。在 “壳资源”及“企业债务拯救” 项目上成绩斐然,重组金额逾百亿港元,在2004年及2005年更荣获权威国际机构亚洲货币(AsiaMoney)多项香最佳本土投资银行的奖项。

  Professor Ronald Wan (Wen Tian Na)

  SBI (Softbank Investment) – Head of Investment Banking

  Renmin University of China – Honorary Chair Professor

  A major State-owned Mineral Group in China - Independent Director

  Hong Kong Securities Institute – Professional Committee Member

  Professor Ronald Wan is a renowned investment banker and an expert in regional finance and financial restructuring (including the launching of REIT products). He is the Head of Investment Banking of SBI (Softbank Investment), an honorary chair professor of Renmin University of China, an independent director of a major state-owned mineral group in China and a professional examination committee member of Hong Kong Securities Institute. Having led and handled over 30 Chinese and overseas listings and restructuring of total value of over US$10 billion in aggregate, Professor Wan is a top-tier expert in the field of company & debt restructuring and also a pioneer expert specializing in reforming and restructuring state-owned enterprises in China, including sponsoring one of the first batch of H-shares in Hong Kong. He was awarded Honorary Chair Professor in recognition for his rich experience and achievement. In recent years, he was also keynote speaker (with other co-speakers like Nobel Prize winners - Prof. Robert Mundell, Prof. John Nash, etc) in major economic summits & conferences in Asia Pacific region. He holds a master's degree in International Accounting & Finance from London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE, University of London). He held senior positions/directorships with other international investment banks since 1990's. His team has won a series of top investment banking awards by AsiaMoney in 2004/2005.




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