AT&T拟将全球通信预算增加1亿美元http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月07日 00:26 北京商报
AT&T Inc. has added $100 million to the $750 million already budgeted for 2007 to expand its global communications network, the largest telephone firm in the U.S. said in an interview on Monday. “We have come up with another $100 million,”Gopi Gopinath said, the AT&T president for Asia Pacific,“It is predominately in the (Asia Pacific) region.” 美国最大的电话公司AT&T周一表示,计划将2007年用于拓展全球通信网络的预算在原有7.5亿美元的基础上追加1亿美元。 AT&T亚太区总裁Gopi Gopinath说:“我们将会增加1亿美元的预算,这笔钱将主要投向亚太地区。” 董莉