飞利浦液晶电视销量跌至全球第三http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年06月17日 23:26 北京商报
Philips Electronics is paying the price for its lack of direct control of LCD panels supply through its joint subsidiary LG.Philips LCD Co Ltd , and was the worst performer amongst the major LCD-TV suppliers in the first quarter of 2007, according to market research group iSuppli. Amid weak seasonal conditions for LCD-TV sales, Philips Electronics posted a 26 percent slide in sales during the quarter, causing it to fall to third place in the market, down from second in the fourth quarter of 2006.In the fourth quarter of 2006, it had a 15.1 percent share of the segment. Samsung retained top spot (16.8 percent share) with Sony taking second place (12.6 percent) from its European rival. The total market declined by 8 percent from the fourth quarter of 2006, or 15.2 million units. Sharp retained fourth slot with an 11.3 percent share, while LG Electronics stands at 7.8 percent of total LCD TVs shipped. iSuppli stresses first-quarter declines are typical following the peak holiday selling season in the fourth quarter. 飞利浦电子公司为其控制合资公司LG飞利浦液晶面板出货量付出了代价,成为2007年第一季度市场表现最差的一家液晶电视生产商。市场调查公司iSuppli的数据显示。 第一季度是液晶电视的销售淡季,期间飞利浦的销售收入下滑了26%,从2006年第四季度液晶电视市场第二的位置下滑到如今第三的位置。去年第四季度,飞利浦在市场上占有15.1%的市场份额。 三星仍保持业界第一的位置,占有16.8%的市场份额。索尼占有12.6%的市场份额,取代其欧洲竞争对手飞利浦位居业界第二。 第一季度,全球液晶电视的市场总量与去年第四季度相比下降了8%,也就是整个市场减少了1520万台液晶电视。夏普凭借其11.3%的市场份额位居业界第四,LG电子占整个液晶电视出货量的7.8%,位居业界第五。 ISuppli强调指出,第一季度液晶电视出货量下降是去年第四季度假期销售高峰之后的自然回落。 李薇