必和必拓任命新CEOhttp://www.sina.com.cn 2007年06月03日 23:04 北京商报
BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company, yesterday ended its search for a new chief executive by appointing Marius Kloppers, who has a reputation as an ambitious dealmaker, to succeed Charles ‘Chip' Goodyear. South African-born Mr Kloppers, who has been heading the company's highly profitable non-ferrous materials division, will take over on October 1. Yesterday analysts said the appointment of Mr Kloppers might herald a more aggressive strategy at BHP Billiton, including more acquisitions. 全球最大的矿业公司必和必拓宣布结束寻找新首席执行官的行动,任命以“雄心勃勃的交易撮合者”著称的马利尤斯·科劳珀斯接替查尔斯·古德伊尔的职位。 南非出生的科劳珀斯此前一直负责该公司利润丰厚的有色材料部门。他将于今年10月1日上任。 分析师昨日表示,此次任命可能预示着必和必拓的战略将更为进取,包括将出现更多的收购等。 董莉