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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年04月30日 11:45 新浪财经




  Mr. Yiping Zhou

  Director, Special Unit for South-South Cooperation

  United Nations Development Programme

  Mr. Yiping Zhou (China) is the Director of the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, (SU/SSC formerly TCDC), which is responsible for the promotion and coordination of South-South cooperation in the global South and on a United Nations system-wide basis.

  Director Yiping Zhou is also the Editor-in-Chief of Cooperation South - one of UNDP's signature development journals. Before that, Mr. Zhou served as Deputy Director and Senior Policy Advisor of the Special Unit for SSC (April 1997 - October 2004); Regional Programme Officer, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific from April 1992 to March 1997; and project Management Officer, Office for Project Services (UNOPS) from November 1985 to April 1992.

  Before joining the UN system Mr. Zhou worked as Policy Officer in the Department of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Government of the Peoples Republic of China from January 1980 to October 1984. He also served as a distinguished diplomat in the Chinese Permanent Mission to the UM from November 1984 to October 1985. Mr. Zhou is a recognized Economist; who graduated in 1977 from one of China's elite universities of higher learning, Fudan University of Shanghai; and pursued further applied academic research and studies at the Canberra College of Advances Education, Australia from 1978 to 1979.



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