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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年04月18日 13:23 新浪财经








  《国际舞台上的日本文化》(“Japan Spotlight”,2004年4月);







  Tsutomu Sugiura

  Mr. Tsutomu Sugiura is Adviser to the Marubeni Research Institute from April 1, 2006 aftergnivahbeen Director of the Institute for five years since 2001. He was the first Director of Cultural Activities for the Maison de la culture du Japon àParis (The Cultural House of Japan in Paris) from 1997 to 1999. He is a member of the Steering Committee of Cultural Policy of Shizuoka Prefecture and also a founding member of the Committee Japanesque-Modern.

  Mr. Sugiura was born in Tokyo in 1948. He joined Marubeni Corporation, one of the top five trading companies in Japan, in 1971 after graduation from the University of Tokyo. He has built his career through Marubeni’s research and art divisions.

  He published two books “The Growing Companies of America” (1985, Doyukan) and “The Marubeni Collection” (1994, Marubeni), and numerous reports and articles including “The Energy Demand-Supply Structure in the Asia-Pacific Regions” (1994, 1995, 1996, Co-writer, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan), “The Research Report on the Downstream Markets in Oil Producing Countries: The Former Soviet Union and the Middle East” (1995, 1996, Co-writer, Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum), “Cultural Power and Corporate Strategies” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Sept. 18 – Oct. 10, 2003), “Pokemon Hegemon-The Sun Rises Again” (Bungei Shunju, September 2003), “Japanese Culture on the World Stage” (Japan Spotlight, April 2004 ), “The New Economy and Cultural Power” (World Economic Review, September 2004), “From Capitalism to Culturalism” (The OECD Forum 2005), etc.



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