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Invited Speaker List

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年10月31日 14:35 新浪财经

  opening & Keynote Speech Ⅰ:

  Conference honorary chairman:

  Huang Mengfu, Vice Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Chairman, All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

  Keynote speaker: Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China

  Chairperson: Hu Shuli, Editor, Caijing Magazine

  Session One:Global outlook


  Grzegorz W. Kolodko, Former Polish Vice Premier and Minister of Finance

  George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management LLC and the Open Society Institute

  Nariman Behravesh, Chief Economist, Global Insight

  Xie Ping, President, China SAFE Investment Corporation

  Erik Berglof, Director, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics

  Li Jiange, Vice Minister, Development Research Center of the State Council, China

  Session Two:Dialog on international trade

  Pascal Lamy, WTO Director-General

  Long Yongtu, Secretary General, Boao Forum for Asia

  Roundtable One:Competitiveness of China's private sector enterprises


  Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman, Lenovo Group

  Liu Yonghao, Chairman, New HopepuorgCo., Ltd.

  Cao Dewang, Chairman, Fuyao Glass Industry Group

  Ma Yun, CEO, Alibaba.com (China) Technology

  Chen Tianqiao, CEO, Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd.

  Li Yanhong, Chairman, Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd.


  Bao Yujun, Chairman, All-China Society of Private Economy Research

  Roundtable Two:The new deal of real estate market and the role of real estate capital market


  Wang Shi, Chairman, China Vanke Co., Ltd.

  Feng Lun, Chairman, Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd.

  Fang Chao, Chairman and CEO, Beijing Guohua Real Estate Company

  Lim Mingyan, CEO, CapitaLand China Holding Group

  Xie Guozhong, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley Asia

  Xu Xiaonian, Head of Research, Beijing Gaohua Securities Co., Ltd.

  keynote speech Ⅱ:

  Keynote speaker:

  Wu Jinglian, Economist, Development Research Center of the State Council, China

  Session Three:


  Ma Kai, Minister, the State Development and Reform Commission, China

  Shao Ning, Vice Chairman, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, China

  Chen Geng, President, China National Petroleum Corporation

  Tian Suning, Vice Chairman and CEO, China Network CommunicationspuorgCorporation

  Li Dongsheng, Chairman and CEO, TCL Holdings Co., Ltd

  Ren Zhengfei, President, Huawei Technology Co., Ltd.

  Shan Weijian, Managing director, Newbridge Capital Ltd.

  Session Four:


  Shang Fulin, Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission

  Liu Mingkang, Chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission

  Wu Dingfu, Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission

  Jiang Chaoliang, Chairman, Bank of Communications.

  closing & Keynote Speech Ⅲ:

  Keynote speaker: Wang Qishan, Mayor of Beijing

  Chairperson: Wang Boming, Chairman, Stock Exchange Executive Council



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