博鳌亚洲论坛简介 | ||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年03月20日 15:58 新浪财经 | ||
博鳌亚洲论坛是一个非政府、非营利的国际组织,也是亚洲最负盛名的论坛。目前已成为亚洲各国政府、工商界和学术界领袖就亚洲重要事务进行对话的高层次平台。博鳌亚洲论坛致力于通过区域经济的进一步整合,推进亚洲国家实现发展目标。 博鳌亚洲论坛由菲律宾前总统拉莫斯、澳大利亚前总理霍克及日本前首相细川护熙于1998年发起。2001年2月,博鳌亚洲论坛正式宣告成立。论坛的成立获得了亚洲各国的普遍支 宗旨 为达到论坛的目标,论坛将努力: Ø为各国政府、工商业领袖和知名学者提供一个高层对话平台,以增进和深化贸易和投资联系,推动建立伙伴关系,在应对不断出现的全球性经济挑战方面,阐明各自的观点。 Ø增进亚洲各种文化的相互理解,增强本地区私营团体的社会责任感。 Ø创造良好的环境,以增强商业团体在寻求增长和发展过程中的合作,实现本地区经济的可持续发展。 Ø培育和增进区域内网络机制和地区战略联盟的概念,以增加全球化进程中亚洲内部、亚洲与世界其它地区之间的贸易和投资机会。 Ø为本地区及其与世界其它地区的人力资源开发以及重要事务的研究提供智力支持。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boao Forum For Asia Boao Forum For Asia (hereinafter referred to as“BFA”) is a non-governmental, non-profit international organization. It is a leading forum in Asia for political, business and academic leaders to express and exchange viewpoints on the most pressing issues of Asia. The Forum is envisioned to become the premier forum, able to promote the development goals of Asian countries through greater regional economic integration. Boao Forum for Asia was initiated in 1998 by former President Fidel V. Ramos of the Philippines, former Prime Minister Bob Hawke of Australia, former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa of Japan. It was officially inaugurated in February 2001 with unprecedented representation and government support. The Forum has since attracted wide global attention as it works towards its mission. Starting from 2002, the annual conference is held in Boao, Hainan Province, the People’s Republic of China, the permanent headquarters of the Forum. The Mission Towards realization of its vision, the Forum will endeavor to: =Provide a platform for high-level interactions between representatives of Governments, business leaders and academic scholars to further and deepen trade and investment ties, promote partnerships and evolve different perspectives on emerging global economic challenges. =Gain deeper understanding of the diversity of the region through wider discussion of culture and the arts, and foster a deeper sense of social responsibility amongst private enterprises within Asia. =Develop an enabling environment and strengthen synergies for the promotion and growth of business enterprises with the goal of attaining sustainable economic progress in the region. =Nurture and promote the concept of intra-regional institutional networking and region-wide strategic links with the objective of enhancing trade and investment opportunities arising from globalization, both within the region and in the rest of the world. =Provide intellectual leadership for developing human resources and further research issues of importance, both internal to the region and in its relationship with the rest of the world.