2003年年会简介 | ||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年03月18日 18:14 新浪财经 | ||
一、会议基本信息 1.会议名称 博鳌亚洲论坛2003年会 Boao Forum for Asia 2003 Annual Conference 2.会议主题 亚洲寻求共赢:合作促进发展 Asia Searching for Win-Win: Development through Cooperation 3.时间地点 时间:2003.5.18-5.19 地点:中国海南博鳌/ Boao, Hainan Province, China 4.简介 博鳌亚洲论坛2003年会将于5月18-19日在论坛总部所在地中国海南省博鳌举行。届时,有关国家领导人、企业界代表、知名专家学者及特邀嘉宾约1000人将出席会议。 本次会议的主题为:亚洲寻求共赢:合作促进发展。在该主题下政府领导人将在全会讨论亚洲经济展望、自由贸易安排、亚洲区域经济合作等。分会场将设若干个企业界十分关注的专题演讲与对话会,内容主要涉及数字亚洲、亚洲金融合作、人力资源开发、医药、亚洲经济结构调整等(兹附上年会日程草案供参考,秘书处将根据形势发展对上述议题作适时调整)。 The 2003 Annual Conference of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) will be held on May 18 - 19, 2003 in Boao, Hainan Province, China. It will be honored by the presence of 1000 delegates, including current and former leaders from Asian countries, prominent figures from the business community, and distinguished academia, as well as other special guests from all over the world. The Conference theme will be“Asia Searching for Win-Win, Development through Cooperation.”Under this theme, government leaders will speak to the plenary sessions, which will focus on such topics as Economic Situation in Asia, Asian Free Trade Arrangement and Asian Regional Economic Cooperation etc. Following the plenary session, there will be concurrent sessions discussing issues of major concern to the business community, such as Digital Asia, Asia Finance Cooperation, Human Resources Development, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Restructuring of the Asian Economy. (I am attaching a package of information including the tentative program to you for your reference. Please Kindly be aware that the topics and subtopics may be subject to changes). 二、在线参会申请表 三、会议日程