演讲者哈继铭介绍http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月21日 13:53 新浪财经
工作经历: ·2004年4月至今:中国国际金融有限公司首席经济学家,董事总经理。 ·2003年8月至2004年4月:国际货币基金组织高级经济师。 ·2001年8月至2003年7月:香港金融管理局经济研究部高级经理。 ·1999年11月至2001年8月:国际货币基金组织驻印度尼西亚代表。 ·1993年8月至1999年10月:国际货币基金组织经济师 学历: 经济学博士,美国堪萨斯大学,1993年。 经济学博士生, 复旦大学世界经济系,1987-88年。管理学硕士,复旦大学管理系,1987年。 管理学学士,复旦大学管理系,1984年。 其它: 2004年至今:中国 人民银行货币政策咨询小组成员2005年至今:香港金融管理局货币政策研究院顾问 公开发表论文: “One Country, Two Prices? A Study of the Deflationary Effect of Price Convergence on Hong Kong”, Asian Economic Journal, Volume 18 Issue 4, December 2004 “An Analysis of the Optimal Provision of Public Infrastructure: A Computational Model Using Mexican Data”, Journal of Development Economics, 58, 1999. “Portfolio Substitution and Exchange Rate Volatility”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 39, August 1997. “Strategic Capital Taxation in Large Open Economies with Mobile Capital”, International Tax and Public Finance, 4, 1997. “An Analysis of Repressed Inflation in Two Transition Economies”, Economics of Planning, 29, 1996. “The Role of Infrastructure in Mexican Economic Reform”, World Bank Economic Review, May 1995. “The Link Between Macroeconomic Adjustment and Sectoral Output in Post-Reform China”, China Economic Review, 1993. “The Sectoral Implications of Macroeconomic Policy: The Case of Post-Reform China”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 1993. “Measurement of Repressed Inflation in China: The Lack of Coordination between Monetary Policy and Price Controls”, Journal of Development Economics, 36, 1991. 未公开发表论文: “The Causes of Inflation/Deflation in China”, HKMA Research Memorandum 12/2003, July 2003. “Monetary Policy Transmission in China”, HKMA Research Memorandum 10/2003, July 2003. “Alternative Measures of the Real Effective Exchange Rate”, HKMA Research Memorandum 3/2003, January 2003. “Export Performance in Hong Kong¾Offshore Trade and Re-exports”, HKMA Research Memorandum 2/2003, January 2003. “A Small Forecasting Model for Hong Kong”, HKMA Research Memorandum 21/2002, December 2002 “The Prospect for the US Dollar and Implications for the Hong Kong Economy”, HKMA Research Memorandum 11/2002, July 2002. “Price Convergence between Hong Kong and the Mainland”, HKMA Research Memorandum 08/2002, June 2002. “Macroeconomic Implications of US Interest Rates for Hong Kong”, HKMA Research Memorandum 05/2002, May 2002. “Fiscal Deficit and Macroeconomic Stability in Hong Kong”, HKMA Research Memorandum 03/2002, March 2002. “Estimating Hong Kong’s Output Gap and Its Impact on Inflation”, HKMA Research Memorandum 17/2001, November 2001. “Achieving Stabilization in Armenia”, IMF Working Paper, WP/98/38, 1998. “Measurement of Co-Circulation of Currencies”, IMF Working Paper, WP/95/34, 1995. “Strategic Capital Taxation in Large Open Economies with Mobile Capital”, Working Paper RWP 92-01, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, September 1992. “Economic Reform and Demand for Money in China”, IMF Working Paper 90/42, 1990. “The Origin and Causes of Inflation in China”, World Bank Discussion Paper, Washington, DC, 1988.
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