欧佩克加速寻找新油气田http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年08月02日 00:24 北京商报
The world's biggest oil producers have boosted their search for oil and gas to one of the highest levels in two decades as prices yesterday neared record highs of more than $78 a barrel. The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, the cartel that controls three- quarters of global oil reserves, yesterday said that its members operated 336 oil rigs last year in response to strong demand from developing countries such as China and India. The cartel's annual statistical bulletin shows that member countries were operating the second largest oil rig fleet since 1982, when oil prices hit an all-time high in today's money of about $90 a barrel. US oil prices yesterday rose to $78.23 a barrel, just below the $78.40 nominal high. The sharp increase in Opec's new investment could reduce the risk of oil demand outstripping supply and lessen long-term oil prices pressures. 随着国际油价昨日超过每桶78美元的创纪录高点,全球石油生产大国已纷纷加大对石油和天然气资源的勘探搜寻力度,达到20年来最高水平。 控制着全球3/4石油储量的石油输出国组织昨日表示,为了满足中国和印度等发展中国家的强劲需求,去年,其成员国共开动336个钻井平台。 佩克的统计年报显示,其成员国正在开工的钻探平台数量仅次于1982年——当时,油价达到空前高点,以如今的币值计算大约合每桶90美元。美国市场石油价格昨日升至每桶78.23美元,略低于78.40美元的名义历史高点。 欧佩克新投资的大幅增加可能会减少石油供不应求的风险,减轻油价长期压力。 董莉
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