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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年10月22日 14:51 新浪财经




  陶冬博士简历  瑞士信贷亚洲区首席经济分析师

  陶冬博士为瑞信的董事总经理、亚洲区首席经济分析师。陶先生于1998年加入瑞士信贷第一波士顿,主管亚洲区经济研究。他个人更侧重于对中国经济的研究, 但同时兼顾亚洲区其它国家和地区的研究。此前,陶先生任香港宝源证券高级经济分析师及中国研究部主管。


  Mr Dong Tao is a managing director and chief regional economist for non-Japan Asia at Credit Suisse. He covers the Asia regional economy as a whole, with a focus on China. Prior to joining CSFB in February 1998, he was with Schroders Securities Asia as Senior Regional Economist and Head of China research.

  Mr. Tao, and his team, was early in identifying the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and the economic overheating in China in 2004. Mr Tao holds a Ph.D. degree and a M.Sc. degree from University of Utah and B.A. from Beijing Foreign Language University. He worked in China, the US and Japan. He has been based in Hong Kong since 1994.



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