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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年10月30日 17:47 新浪财经




留学生。今年有600多位中国学生和学者到耶鲁学习。 对此我们而感到无比自豪。

  耶鲁大学有保护学生隐私的规定,我们不会将学生申诉的详细内容透露于外界。 但是在此我要说明的是,学校已经对韩雪梅的事件做出了积极的回应。韩雪梅转入森林与环境学院攻读博士学位的程序正在进行中。





  Yale has a long standing tradition of being a welcoming and supportive university for international students, and especially those from China. We are proud to have 600 Chinese students and scholars at Yale this year.

  We have a policy of protecting students’ privacy and we do not disclose the details of a student grievance but I can say that the University has responded positively to the concerns expressed by Xuemei Han. She is now in the process of transferring to the Ph.D. program in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

  The Dean of the Graduate School will investigate the concerns registered about several other students and, if necessary, take action to ensure compliance with all University policies.

  Yale is committed to being the best place for international students. We have an extremely generous financial aid package for international students. And all students, including international, who are admitted to any of our Ph.D. programs in the arts and sciences pay no tuition and are given an annual living allowance of at least $18,000 plus free health care.


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