
David Fernandez

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年12月19日 11:34  新浪财经
David Fernandez(资料图片)

  Mr. Fernandez serves as JPMorgan’s Head of Emerging Asia Research team.

  Before joining JPMorgan in January 1998, Mr. Fernandez spent five years as a professor of economics at the Johns Hopkins University International Studies School where he taught international macroeconomics. He was named Professor of the Year in 1996.

  Earlier, he served as an Economist in the Council of Economic Advisers in the administration of U.S. President George Bush. In 1987, he joined the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in its OECD economic research department and in the foreign exchange intervention group.

  Mr. Fernandez has a B.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and received a Doctorate in Economics from Princeton University where, as a National Science Foundation fellow, he wrote his dissertation under Ben S. Bernanke.

  In addition to his work at JPMorgan, Mr. Fernandez is on the Advisory Board of Singapore Management University’s School of Economics and Social Sciences.

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