
Great opportunity for Ld.(8)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 19:51  新浪财经

  London's old sewers need upgrading to prevent the Olympics from literally becoming one big stink but this means a £37 a year increase in Thames Water bills, while the company increased its pre-tax profits by almost a third to £346 million!

  London council tax payers will probably have to pay an extra 38p per week till 2018.

  The Olympics should benefit ordinary working-class families and not add to their debts. The sponsors and big companies involved that will be making profits out of the Olympics should pay.

  Former mayor Ken Livingstone agreed that site workers should be paid at least the London Living Wage which is above the national minimum wage. A fight may be needed to gain this commitment from the new mayor.

  There should be a site-wide agreement, with all the trade unions involved, rather than unions being forced to negotiate for the different sites separately.

  No worker should have to work longer than a 35-hour week. There should be strict adherence to health and safety measures, including proper, democratically controlled trade union safety reps.

  In addition, in 2012, young people, pensioners and those on benefits, should get free or much cheaper entry to the events.

  After the Olympics there should be much more genuinely affordable housing than is planned now. The facilities for use afterwards should be publicly controlled by the local authorities and genuinely affordable and schools should have free access to them.

  Overall, there should be far greater government investment in recreational facilities at grassroots and community levels, including increased funding for educational sports facilities.

  As socialists, we can be enthusiastic about seeing excellent athletes in action at the Olympics, however we need to hold the government to account and campaign for a true lasting legacy to be provided for working-class families.

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