
Great opportunity for Ld.

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 19:51  新浪财经


   Source: ONS, International Passenger Survey, Visit Britain, UK Tourism Survey

     We are now just four years away from London hosting one of the biggest sporting events in the world for the third time. More than a billion Chinese people are expected to watch the Beijing games later this year, not to mention half a million international visitors, and an estimated worldwide four billion TV viewers.

  There was a lot of excitement and hope when it was announced that London would be the 2012 host but the day after we had the horrific London bombings. There might still be a lot of enthusiasm and support but with the estimated costs now already spiralling up to around £9.35 billion - four times the original budget - this has led to people questioning it more.

  Last September a YouGov survey for the Taxpayers' Alliance found that almost two-thirds of those questioned were opposed to the expense of the 2012 London Olympics and would rather see the cash used elsewhere. 44% thought the stated £9.35 billion cost would be put to better use in schools and hospitals. Another 20% would like the money used to reduce tax, with only 28% backing the cash being spent on the games.

  In a radio interview this April, the Olympic chief Roy McNulty admitted: "Homework" was not done "deeply enough at the beginning", leading to a cost revision from £2.3 billion to £9.35 billion.

  He went on to say that it would have been unrealistic to work out all the details in advance. "It would have been a huge gamble" he said, "a lot more money on studying something that might not happen."

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