
Continued growth in London(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月05日 18:30  新浪财经

  •Contrasting commerce: the area ranges from high-profile, award-winning developments of Canary Wharf to industrial facilities of a well-developed environmental technologies, manufacturing, R&D, logistics and distribution hub.

  •Creative hotspot: east London is one the of the most progressive areas of the capital and home to architects, fashion designers, furniture makers, digital media companies, artists and galleries. Famous areas include Hackney, Shoreditch, Brick Lane and Whitechapel.

  •Financial HQ: Canary Wharf is home to a high concentration of headquarters and is an established financial services centre rivalling the City. Companies include Barclays, Reuters, Citigroup, The Hartford, HSBC, Lehman Brothers, and Morgan Stanley. Some 65,000 people work here and area is predicted to employ 100,000 by 2010.

  •Best boroughs for your sector:

  oBarking and Dagenham (engineering, automotive, environmental technologies, manufacturing, distribution)

  oBexley (manufacturing, environmental technologies, creative industries, distribution)

  oGreenwich (manufacturing, leisure and hospitality, gaming)

  oHackney (creative industries, financial services, business services, food, printing, furniture, manufacturing)

  oHavering (financial services, environmental technologies, manufacturing, back office, contact centre, manufacturing, distribution)

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