
Continued growth in London

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月05日 18:30  新浪财经

  Developments such as the planned Olympic Park and the business district of Canary Wharf are making east London one of the city’s most exciting areas

  10 key facts about business and life in the east of the city.

  •Massive transformation: east London’s Thames Gateway is London’s biggest development project — extending from the City of London eastwards and covering 163 square miles. Investment in infrastructure, housing, education, manufacturing and development totals billions in private and public sector funds. The area will be home to huge economic and population growth over the next 20 years.

  •2012 Games opportunity: winning the right to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games has accelerated the transformation of this area and generated commercial opportunities worth billions. Stratford’s $6 billion 500-acre Olympic site will be Europe’s largest urban park. The Olympics will create 12,000 new jobs, $30.5 billion transport improvements, and an economic impact on London of more than $8.9 billion.

  •Diverse labour pool: East London is home to 1.9 million people including 11 separate communities of over 10,000 foreign nationals.

  •Excellent transport links: East London’s City Airport is designed for business travel. With fast check-in services, executives can be sitting on the plane less than 30 minutes after leaving their desks. All of London’s other international airports are within 60 minutes of Canary Wharf. The new Stratford International station will put Europe within easy reach by rail. The Jubilee Line connects Stratford and Canary Wharf to major railway terminals while the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) connects Canary Wharf and the rest of East London directly with the City.

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