新浪财经 > 会议讲座 > 2007中国最佳商业领袖 > 正文
(上海,2007年8月16日)——今天,享有“中国商界奥斯卡”美誉的“2007中国最佳商业领袖奖”(China Business Leaders Awards 2007)评选活动在沪正式启动。该评选由中国领先的专业财经媒体第一财经(CBN-China Business Network)与全球知名财经电视台CNBC亚太联合主办,皇家礼炮品牌特别呈献,在中国商界拥有极大的影响力,已经连续成功举办了两届。上海文广新闻传媒集团副总裁、第一财经传媒有限公司董事长、总经理高韵斐,第一财经日报总编辑秦朔,CNBC亚太总裁兼执行董事杰里米·品克(Jeremy Pink), DDI大中华区董事总经理刘伟师,皇家礼炮代表、保乐力加中国市场总监祝贺等嘉宾共同出席了启动仪式。
CNBC亚太总裁兼执行董事杰里米·品克先生谈到:“最佳商业领袖奖(Business Leaders Awards) 是CNBC商业财经频道面向全球创办的一个奖项,享有商界‘奥斯卡’之誉。2005年,我们与我们的战略合作伙伴第一财经携手将“最佳商业领袖奖”带入中国。作为中国顶级的商业成就表彰活动,‘中国最佳商业领袖奖’到今年已经是第三届了,我们欣喜地看到我们的奖项在表彰个人极致成就的同时,也为中国经济的发展推波助澜。作为世界财经新闻的领导者,CNBC一直致力于积极维护并推动全球商业的健康发展。 ‘中国最佳商业领袖奖’也正是我们推动中国商业稳步健康地走向全球舞台的表现形式。”
欢迎访问“中国最佳商业领袖奖”的官方网站(www.cbla.com.cn )以获得更多最新信息。
第一财经 孔芳
E-mail: kongfang@stv.sh.cn
CNBC财经电视台 张蕙
E-mail: wendy.zhang1@ge.com
西岸奥美信息咨询服务有限公司 张海燕/栾晓菲
E-mail: joyce.zhang@h-line.com
Harmony of the Leadership
Grand Launch of China Business Leaders Awards 2007 in Shanghai
Shanghai, August 16, 2007 – China Business Leaders Awards (CBLA) 2007, much reputed as the Oscars of China’s business world, launched the selection process in Shanghai today. Co-hosted by CBN (China Business Network), the leading professional business media in China, as well as CNBC Asia Pacific, a globally renowned business channel, and sponsored by Royal Salute, the twice-held Awards have taken China’s business community by storm. Among the guests attended the launching ceremony were: Mr. Gao Yunfei, Vice President of Shanghai Media Group, Chairman and Managing Director of China Business Network; Mr. Qin Shuo, Chief Editor of China Business News; Mr. Jeremy Pink, President & Managing Director of CNBC Asia Pacific; Mr. Louis Liu, Managing Director of DDI Greater China; and Mr. Alex Zhu, Marketing Director of Pernod Ricard China, representing Royal Salute.
A business leader can be greater than just showing robust figures – the personal charisma of bringing everything together counts. In this sense the China Business Leaders Awards is original enough to select the winners through CEO one-to-one interviews for the judges to have an insight on their leadership and business mindset. CEOs from nine firms will become the candidates after a financial performance screening. Led by the world famous Chicago Graduate School of Business and DDI, a well-known HR consulting and leadership development company, the appraising committee will judge candidates from various perspectives such as financial performance, leadership capabilities, creativity, innovation ability, and social responsibility, etc. When judging, the committee will focus on the short-term edges, long-term values, the competitive advantages the leader has helped the business to create and the leadership herein demonstrated.
The theme of CBLA 2007 is Harmony of the Leadership. Bringing together the true understanding, openness and talent is the key. In this era of globalization featured intensive competition, both corporate governance and business gaming have increasingly become formal game rules. Hence, business leadership has been elevated beyond the what-and-how level. Whoever has the power and state to bring everything together will find a blue ocean for the company. Harmony secures most effective communication, understanding and collaboration between functions to achieve the common goal; harmony also enables the business to leverage others’ strength, to have seamless partnership with organizations from different regions, and to have a stronger presence in the world. Meanwhile, as important as self-development is the harmony with the external environment of the company. Business has every responsibility to protect the environment and save resources. Part of its role is to promote the triple-win of economic development, social progress and environment protection, as much as it can. Therefore, harmony is not merely an idea but a decisive force, and a necessary quality for business leaders. Following this logic, the theme of CBLA 2007 is defined as Harmony of the Leadership, reflecting the hosts’ expectation to explore the essence of business leadership in the context of building a harmonious society.
The past several years have witnessed the growth of a group of Chinese entrepreneurs. Winners of the previous CBLA, or role models in the business community, are playing critical roles in the politics, economy and culture arenas. As China’s first business achievement awards with international organizations sitting on the appraising committee, China Business Leaders Awards have been widely recognized as No.1 by the domestic and foreign businessmen since their debut in 2005. There are 6 categories this year: The Royal Salute China Business Leader of the Year, Corporate Citizen of the Year, Innovator of the Year, CEOs’ Choice of the Year, Public’s Choice of CEO of the Year, and brand-new China Talent Management Award that recognizes the leader who gives his or her elites enough credit and regard.
Revealed by the hosts, the confirmed nominees by the judges till now include: Mr. Cao Dewang, Chairman, Fuyao Glass Industrial Group Co., Ltd. ; Mr. Feng Jun, President, Beijing Huaqi Information Digital Technology Co., Ltd.; Mr. Jin Zhiguo, President of Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. ; Mr. Li Shufu, Chairman & CEO, Zhejiang Geely Automobile Co., Ltd.; Mr. Liu Jiren, Chairman & CEO, Neusoft Group Ltd. ; Mr. Pan Gang, Chairman & CEO, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Co., Ltd. ; Mr. Shi Zhengrong, Wuxi Suntech Power Co., Ltd. ; Mr. Wang Zhentao, Chairman & President, Aokang Group Co., Ltd. ; and Ms. Zheng Lijinfen, Chairman, Amway (China) Co., Ltd. (Alphabetically listed according to the initial letter of the family name) . The awarding ceremony is held in this September in Shanghai on which the final winners will be unveiled. CBN will make live broadcast to the awarding ceremony, Sina, DTV and PCCW will synchronously transmits it, and Shanghai Dragon TV, BTV-5, ZTV-3 will rebroadcast it. CNBC Asia Pacific will also bring the abbreviated version to the business leaders over the world. In October, successive elected business leaders will go to Peking University, Fudan University and Hong Kong University to deliver speeches, communicating with future leadership of China
What is worth mentioning is that, according to the organizers’ regulation, the winner of the previous CBLA will automatically be recruited as a member of the appraising committee for the next. For example, the winners of China Business Leader of the Year in 2005 and 2006, Mr. Chen Feng, Chairman of Hainan Airlines Group and Mr. Fu Chengyu, General Manager of CNOOC are in the appraising committee of CBLA 2006 and 2007 respectively. Besides, the business leaders recognized by the CBLA will automatically become candidates for the Asia Business leaders awards (ABLA) that year. Mr. Chen Feng was also the winner of ABLA of 2005. The ABLA, which is hosted by CNBC Asia Pacific, recognizes business achievements in the Pan-Asia Region. They have been held five times since 2001 in Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Malaysia and are recognized universally in the business world.
Commenting on the event, Mr. Li Ruigang, President of Shanghai Media Group, said: “China Business Leaders Awards is a platform we provide to highlight Chinese business leaders and their strategic visions. With four years’ unremitting effort made by CBN to build the brand and industrial chain, as well as the great support from partners like CNBC Asia Pacific, we firmly believe that the CBLA are bound to be a hit. In 2007 CBLA expects to convey such a message: the core element for any business to be successful is people. People’s will and their interactions make things different. So the core of business leadership is to bring everything around people, top or bottom, inside or outside, together, reaching out for a common vision. That is the state of harmony.”
While Mr. Jeremy Pink, President and Managing Director of CNBC Asia Pacific, noted: “Known as the “Oscars” of the business world, the Business Leaders Awards, launched by CNBC, enjoys international recognition from the world’s top business leaders. In 2005, we brought these Awards here to China, in cooperation with our strategic partner China Business Networks. The China Business Leaders Awards has reached its third year as a world-class event for recognizing business achievements in China. We are so delighted to see that our Awards not only honor leaders who have made great contributions to the corporate landscape in China, but also promote the development of China’s economy. As the First in Business Worldwide, CNBC is committed to maintaining and promoting the healthy development of global business. The China Business Leaders Awards is our way of showcasing China’s business community to the rest of the world.”
Mr. Alex Zhu, Marketing Director of Pernod Ricard China, as well as the representative of Royal Salute, said: “World-renowned for its noble heritage and superior quality, Royal Salute is always recognized as the ultimate mark of respect for exceptional achievements. Through its support on the China Business Leaders Awards for the third time, Royal Salute is delighted to extend our sincere tribute and respect to the Chinese business leaders who have made extraordinary achievements. We believe that only by presenting the best to the best can one experience the perfect reward for life’s greatest glories.”
For more information, please visit the official website of China Best Leaders Awards at www.cbla.com.cn
News Contact:
Angela Kong
Tel: 021-62565899-3638
E-mail: kongfang@stv.sh.cn
CNBC Asia Pacific
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E-mail: wendy.zhang1@ge.com
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