

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月16日 19:21 新浪财经

  从 1989年至1996年, 在德国当时最大的化学及医药公司赫司特(Hoechst)(财富五百强)总部咨询部门工作。1996年,赴日本东京负责毕博在日本的业务。1998年 9月起,担任日本区董事总经理与董事会代表。2001年4月, 提升为毕博管理咨询全球高级副总裁, 并兼大中国区首席执行官。2004年初,晋升为全球执行副总裁。

Dr. Bryan, Huang Hui, CEO, JUNEYAO GROUP
After obtaining bachelor’s degree in computer technology in Amoy University, China, Dr. Huang received Ph.D degree in June, 1989 in the University of Bonn, Germany, majored in Applied Mathematics and Computer.
From 1989 to 1996, Dr. Huang worked in Corporate Consulting Department, Hoechst (Fortune 500), the biggest chemical and pharmaceutical company in Germany.From 1996, Dr. Huang joined BearingPoint (formerly known as KPMG Consulting) Japan and successfully developed BearingPoint into one of the most influential consulting companies in Japan. Because of his excellent performance, Dr. Huang was appointed to be the managing director and representative director in Japan in 1998, and promoted as global Senior Vice President in April 2001, and global Executive Vice President in 2004, in charge of consulting businesses in manufacturing, logistics, and Hi-Tech industry both in South Korea and Japan. In January, 2002 he became President of Greater China.
Since November, 2005, Dr. Huang served as the CEO of JUNEYAO GROUP. JUNEYAO GROUP is mainly engaged in civil aviation and marketing service (includes retail, Creativity, Food & Beverage). Real Estate and Investment are also in its scope of business. JUNEYAO GROUP is committed to building an excellent global brand in the service industry by constantly creating extraordinary values for the health and well-being of the people.

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