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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年11月02日 00:00 财政部网站





财政部和欧盟委员会共同主办的首次中欧财金对话会议于今年2月在布鲁塞尔欧盟总部召开,双方就全球经济形势、财政货币政策、金融部门改革和金融稳定、国际会计准则和公司治理等问题进行了深入讨论。中欧财金对话第二次会议将于2006年3月在北京举行。PressReleaseon the Signing ofthe China-EU Government ProcurementCooperationAgreement between the Ministry of Finance of thePeople’s Republicof China and the European CommissionMr. ZhangHongli, AssistantMinister of Finance of the People’s Republic ofChina and Mr.Schaub, Director General of the Internal Market andServices of theEU Commission, signed the China-EU GovernmentProcurementCooperation Agreement in Diaoyutai State Guest House inBeijing onNovr 2, 2005. Both sides confirmed the establishment ofthe China-EUGovernment Procurement Dialogue.The signing of theChina-EUGovernment Procurement Cooperation Agreement is a concreteoutcomeof the financial cooperation under the China-EU FinancialDialogue.Following the Joint Statement issued during the seventhmeetingbetween the leaders of China and the European Union, Mr. LiYong,Vice Minister of Finance of China headed a delegation toBelgium forthe first China-EU Financial Dialogue. The Chinesedelegation andits EU counterparts discussed issues on globaleconomic situation,fiscal and monetary policy, financial sectorreform and financialstability, international accounting standardsand corporationmanagement, etc. The second China-EU FinancialDialogue will be heldin China in March, 2006. Both sides willcontinue the discussion onChina-EU financial corporation.



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