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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年07月03日 20:55 上投摩根

  Global Emerging Markets

  Emerging markets were mostly higher last week, although currency weakness and interest rate increases weighed on Turkey and China.

  Hungary's BUX also made strong progress, rising 5.0% as the forint's decli
ne to record lows against the euro boosted exporters.

  In Latin America, strong economic and corporate earnings prospects helped push markets higher. Mexico's IPC was up 2.8%, while Brazil's BOVESPA rose 0.8% and Argentina's MERVAL gained 0.7%.

  Russia's RTS was up 1.1%, boosted by strong economic data, which showed that industrial production had risen in May at its fastest pace for 18 months. Russia's annual inflation rate also fell to an eight-year low last month.

  Turkey's ISE National 100, on the other hand, was down 2.7% as investors continued to worry about rising interest rates and currency weakness. At an emergency meeting this weekend the Turkish central bank announced a 1.75% interest rate increase, taking Turkish rates to 17.25%, as the authorities continued their battle to shore up a weakening lira.

  Although many emerging markets continue to look in good economic and political shape and offer excellent long-term investment potential, they remain vulnerable in the short term to any further deterioration in global liquidity and investors' risk appetite.

  (以上资料全部来源于JF Asset Management)



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