

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年08月17日 23:13  新浪财经



  近几年,张维迎还致力于推动中国大学体制的改革、特别是商学院教育体制的改革。他是2003 年北京大学教师体制改革方案的主要设计者。

  张维迎现任国务院学位委员会应用经济学学科评议组成员,中国企业家论坛首席经济学家。他曾担任过或仍然担任的其它社会兼职包括:国务院国家审批制改革专家委员会委员;国家信息化专家委员会委员;《电信法》起草小组专家咨询委员会委员;国家自然科学基金会管理科学部专家委员会委员、工商管理组副组长;《经济研究》、国际学术期刊Journal of Restructuring Finance 和Annals of Economics and Finance编委;英文学术期刊 China Economic Review (2003-2005)和 Management and Organization Review 顾问委员会委员。曾任国际中国管理学会(IACMR)副会长、中国经济学(CEA)(英国)副主席。

  张维迎出版的主要著作有:《企业的企业家-契约理论》(1995),《博弈论与信息经济学》(1996),《企业理论与中国企业改革》(1999),《产权、政府与信誉》(2001),《信息、信任与法律》(2003),《大学的逻辑》(2004),《论企业家》(2004再版,与盛斌合作),《产权、激励与公司治理》(2005),《竞争力与企业成长》(2006),《价格、市场与企业家》(2006),《中国改革30年》(2008,主编), 《市场的逻辑》(2010),等。另有数十篇中英文学术论文在国内外权威期刊发表。

  Mr. Zhang Weiying

  Mr. Zhang Weiying is a member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum。

  Professor Weiying Zhang is Professor of Economics and Dean of the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University; Director of the E-Business Center of Peking University. He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in 1982, and a Master Degree in 1984, both from Northwest University at Xi’an, China. He received his M. Phil. in economics in 1992 and D. Phil. in economics in 1994, both from Oxford University. From 1984 to 1990, he was a researcher of the Economic System Reform Institute of China under the State Commission of Restructuring Economic System. During this period, he was heavily involved in economic reform policy formation in China. He was the first Chinese economist to propose the “dual-track price system reform” (in 1984), which had fundamental impact on the post-1985 price liberalization policy in China. After he graduated from Oxford, he co-founded Peking University’s China Center for Economic Research in 1994, and worked with the Center until August 1997. He then moved to Guanghua School of Management in September 1997. He was appointed as Associate Dean in February 1999 and Dean in September 2006. Since 2002, he has also served as Assistant President of Peking University。

  Professor Weiying Zhang has played a leading role in transforming Guanghua School of Management since 1999. His visionary reform measures have had significant impacts on changes of business education in China. He was the chief architect of the 2003 Peking University faculty system reform。

  Professor Weiying Zhang’s research interests include the industrial organization, corporate governance, information economics, economics of law, and more importantly, Chinese economic reform. He is a widely recognized authority of the theory of the firm and ownership reform in China, and a market liberalist economist. His insightful opinions of the Chinese economy have been frequently reported in media and nation-wide debated. He has published more than 10 books and dozens of academic articles. His papers have appeared in the international journals such as Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, China Economic Review, and Review of Development Economics, as well as the top Chinese journals such as Economic Research Journal and Management World. His Chinese books of An Entrepreneurial/Contractual Theory of the Firm, and The Theory of the Firm and China’s Enterprise Reform have been among the most cited in Chinese academic journals since 1995. His works have had significant impacts on the economic reform policy formulation and the development of economics in China. He was awarded the “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars” in 2000 by the Natural Science Foundation of China, and “the 10 Persons of the Year in Chinese Economy” by CCTV in 2002. In 2008, he was selected among the 30 persons of the 30-year Economic Reform of China by China Economic Reform Association. He has been frequently invited to deliver keynote speeches at high level international and domestic symposiums and forums. Since 2001, he has served as the chief economist of China Entrepreneurs Forum. He is a member of “Chinese Economists 50 Forum”。

  2010,he published his new book the Logic of the Market。

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