

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年08月17日 22:50  新浪财经


  清华大学经济管理学院弗雷德曼讲席教授、副院长、经济系主任,长江学者和国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者。2008年获首届浦山中银世界经济学优秀论文奖最高奖,2009年获第十三届孙冶方经济科学奖论文奖。他的主要学术兼职包括清华大学中国财政税收研究所所长,清华大学低碳经济研究院副院长,中国经济50人论坛成员,密西根大学William Davidson 研究所及哥伦比亚大学政策对话中心研究员,曾任布鲁金斯学会非常驻高级研究员。他于中国科技大学获得学士学位,分别于加州大学圣地亚哥校区和哈佛大学获得数学和经济学博士学位,并曾任教于波士顿学院和香港大学。他的研究领域包括制度经济学、公共经济学、公司治理、发展与转轨经济学等。他先后担任国际期刊《比较经济学杂志》,《世界银行经济评论》和《中国经济评论》的编委,清华大学《经济学报》的联执主编,以及多种国内杂志的编委或学术顾问。

  Bai Chong-En is Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor of Economics, Associate Dean, and Chairman of the Economics Department in the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University. He is selected as Cheung Kong Scholar by the Ministry of Education and awarded National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He won the Pu Shan-Bank of China Best Paper Award given by China Society of World Economics in 2008, and the 13th Sun Yefang Economic Science Award in 2009. He is the Director of the National Institute for Fiscal Studies and Deputy Director of the Institute of Low Carbon Economy at Tsinghua University. He is a member of Chinese Economists 50 Forum, was a non-resident senior fellow of the Brookings Institution. He is an affiliated researcher with William Davidson institutes of University of Michigan and Policy Dialogue Center of Columbia University. He earned his Bachelor degree from University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D degrees in Mathematics and Economics from the University of California, San Diego and Harvard University, respectively. He worked at Boston University and Hong Kong University. His research interests include economic institutions, public economics, corporate governance, development and transition economics. He has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Comparative Economics, World Bank Economic Review, and China Economic Review, and is a co-editor of China Journal of Economics. He also sits in the editorial and advisory boards of other Chinese journals. 

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