C ouldit get anyw orseforB oeing?Itsentire fleetof787 D ream liners-the m osttechnologicallyadvancedairliner inthew orld-hasbeengroundedover theriskof abatterycatchingfire inflight。
波音的处境会不会变得更糟?该公司所有的787梦想客机———全球技术最先进的飞机由于飞行时电池着火的风险已经停飞。(CN N )
A fter the Japanese airlines operatingalm osthalf of theD ream liners w orldw idedecidedtheycouldriskit nolonger,theU S Federal A via-tionA dm inistrationgroundedall 787s inits jur-isdiction. From IndiatoQ atar,PolandtoChileandfinallyEthiopia,theglobal fleet w as takenout of action,anignom inious fatefor aplanethat hadbeensoeagerlyanticipatedfor soverylong。
A ccordingtotheN H K report,theplanecaptain saw threealarm sthat prom pted theem ergencylanding—thefirst alertedthepilotstosm okein thecom partm ent containingthebattery,asecondnotedavoltagedropinthebatteryandthethirdw as relatedtoabnorm albatterycharging。
T he JapanT ransport SafetyBoardsaidthebatteryandthe system s aroundit w ouldbe senttoT okyofor m orechecks,addingtherew eresim ilarities w ithanearlier batteryfire ona 787inBostonoperatedbyJapanA irlines。
T hisw eek,U S andE uropean aviationregulators saidplanes shouldbe groundedw hilesafetychecks arecarriedout ontheir lithiumion batteries.T he U S F ederalA viationA dm inistrationandBoeingare investigatingtheproblem 。
U STransportationSecretaryR ayLaH oodsaidearlier theD ream liner w ouldnot flyagainunder authorities w ere“1,000% sure”it issafe. The U Saerospace giant saidit w ouldcon-tinuetobuildtheplane,but not deliver anyuntil U Ssafetyofficials gave their backing。
“IhaveconfidencetheBoeingC o. w illw orkthroughthe issues w iththe 787andthatit w ill beagoodairplane,”A m ericanC hiefExecutive O fficer T om H ortonsaidinaninter-view yesterday,adayafter theFA A acted.T he third-largest U .S . airline expects tocom -pleteall of its 100orders andoptions for theplastic-com posite jet,w ithdeliveries startingin2014,H ortonsaid。
美国联航C E O汤姆·霍尔顿在FA A采取行动后一天的采访中表示,“我对波音会解决这一事件充满信心,787会是一架好飞机。”霍尔顿表示,这家美国第三大航空公司将于2014年起接受100架787型飞机的订单交付。(《华盛顿邮报》)
Japan’sshareof thebuild—andof theprofit—has grow nw itheachsuccessive Boeingm odel,from below afifth forthe767andaquarter for the777tom orethanathirdforthe787. M orethanfivedozenJapanesefirm saream ongthesuppliers for Boeing’s civilianandm ilitarydivisions,providing22,000jobs—around40% of Japan’s aerospace industry. A nysw itchtoA irbus planes w ould,therefore,be badnew s for JapanInc,saidanofficial at oneofB oeing’s suppliers in Japan 。“Japanesecom paniesdon’t havem uch presencein theA irbus supplychain,”he toldR euters,decliningtobe identified
L O T Polish A irlinesSA,w hosefirsttrans-A tlantic flight w itha787endedw iththejet m aroonedinC hicagobythegrounding,saidit’s review ingw hether it canseekcom -pensationfrom Boeing。
(周武英 编译)