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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月12日 10:16 商务部网站

右。随着城乡人民生活水平的不断提高,鲍鱼供应日益突出,市场前景十分看好。东山岛是全国鲍鱼重要养殖基地之一,现有鲍鱼养殖300多家,养殖面积8000多亩。但东山现有养殖的鲍鱼主要是作为初级产品,创汇少,附加值低。由于各种原因,我国在鲍鱼罐头产品、鲍鱼壳加工上还是空白,该项目投入可以填补我国鲍鱼罐头产品、鲍鱼壳加工应用的空白。东山开发区具有良好的投资环境,基础设施完备,政策优惠,是进行鲍鱼罐头、鲍鱼壳加工的理想场所。项目建设规模:总投资300万美元,占地面积约30亩。建设年产量600吨鲍鱼罐头、鲍鱼壳加工项目。项目效益分析:年产值600万美元,年利润120万美元,投资后2.5年收回投资。项目招商方式:独资、合作和合资项目进展情况:该项目已作总体规划,项目用地手续已经批准。NO.12deep andextensive processing of abaloneContract company:Dongshaneconomicand technical developed regionLinkman of theproject:DengShipingTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790Email:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityof the project: Abalone is a special aquaticproduce with higheconomic value, with high protein, high glycogen,affluentnutrition, deliciousness, and rarity for feasts. It hasthe fame ofthe first of the 8 aquatic precious produces. Itcontains pearlelements and good many microelement that canconvergent muscles,lower the blood pressure, adjust the kidney andprotect cancers,etc., which makes it a famous Chinese medicine.According torelevant reports, consumption for abalone reaches80000 tonsinternationally, and up to 20000 tons in China. However,theproduction capacity for abalone is only 30000 tonsinternationally,and 20000 tons in China. With economicdevelopment, the demand forabalone will be increasing in thefuture.Dongshan is an importantbase for breeding abalone in China,and there are 300 factories herewith a breeding area of more than8000 acres. However, abaloneproduced in Dongshan is preliminaryproduction, with low income andadditional values. Due to variousreasons the produce of abalonecans and processing is still emptyin China. The project will makeup for the empty. It is an idealinvesting environment in Dongshan,where infrastructures arecomplete and policies are favorable forthe processing industry ofabalone.Construction scale:totalinvestments 3 million USdollars,area of land for the project isabout 30 acres. A projectof annual production capacity of 600 tonsof cans of abalone andprocessing of abalone.Analysis forprofits:annual production valuecan be 6 million US dollars,annualprofits are 1.2 million USdollars,the payoff period is 2.5years.Bidding manner: exclusiveinvestment, cooperation and jointventureProgression of theproject:general planning has been done tothe project,theprocedures of use of the land is authorized.




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